
February 3, 2001: The second meeting of Chersy Club
Today is "Setsubun", the first notice of coming spring. The weather is getting milder day by day. I took part in a lecture sponsored by Ms. Hara of Chersy Club.
The site is on "Kantan Club" near west Oita port. Many guests have already in the Club.
A charity bazaar was open in the Club, selling various kinds of flower seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, and soil. I bought some of herb seedlings.
Ms. Hara (right) is the representative of the Club assisted by Ms. Ohmoto (left.) They are really wonderful lady with smiles. Ms. Hara has been a friend of mine since I was involved in the start of Ohga Farm project.
A copy of an application manuscript for "Bises Garden Contest", held in last July sponsored by President Publisher, is attached on the back wall. Unfortunately, the applicant missed the award, but its activities were introduced on the December edition of the magazine.
The lecture starts at 1:00 p.m. Ms. Hara made a few words in the beginning, introducing that the number of the Chersy Club has been increasing steadily covering whole the prefecture since its start in March 1998.

The introduction of the Club in Biese magazine attracted the attention of the editor of a gardening, magazine "Belleview" in Fukuoka city.

Today, Mr. Imamura, the editor of Belleview, came down from Fukuoka and gave some comments on his magazine Belleview started in last March. He also said that he would be glad if flower lovers in Oita and Fukuoka would take hands in hands to start something new.
Mr. Toshiro Ogata, a professor of Kumamoto Prefectural Agriculture College, gave a lecture "Flower, green, and living."

On his way from Kumamoto by train, he saw the rivers in Kumamoto and Oita prefectures were so contaminated. "I firmly believe it is really important to protect the environment," he stressed.
All the audience was eagerly listening to his lecture by referring the distributed papers.
"The base of plantation is soil. It must be made from real materials. Circulation is a must." The active talk attracted our attention so strongly.
He presented some pictures that show how the natural fertilizer is excellent. Those pictures indicate the root grow conditions of common snapdragon. From left to right, the pictures are of the root treated by VA mycorrhiza mycelium, no treatment, by Biomenter, VA mycorrhiza mycelium and Biomenter, and chemical fertilizer.

Nature contains a lot of nutrients whose effect is shown clearly like this.
"Flowers make ten gentle-hearted friends without speaking."
"Flower and green are the vitamins of heart."
"Females who love flower are much prettier than flowers."

A lottery followed then, drawing many articles contributed from Mr. Ogata, Mr. Imamura, and other supporters. I got entrance tickets of Oita Prefectural Fragrance Museum.
The lecture demonstrates how to make "Flower in the water." This was demonstrated to Royal Princess as well, he said. The flower is set up side down in a cup filled with water. After putting the bottom on it, the cup is turned to bloom wonderful flowers in the water.
Next is how to make a hanging flower.

Here comes a lovely hanging flower by using hemp yarn and tapes.
Many flower lovers gaze the teacher.
A tea party followed the lecture.

Most attendants see each other for the first time, but they soon got familiar with the chatting on flower.
Chersy Club is an Oita version of "National Garden Scheme" in United Kingdom.
The Club opened the first "Garden Opening" in April 1998. The bulletin counts 9 until today. Representative Chisako Hara, annual membership fees 1,000 yen.
Office Location at Oita Greens Co., Ltd. President Sawayuki Futamura, Tamazawa Oita City, Japan; phone 097-8-541-1047

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