1998.April.14-16, The first Open Garden of Chersy Club

Under the agreement of the first Open Garden of Chersy Club, Mrs. Koizumi(right) opened her garden. Mrs. Yasumatsu came to see it. The house is in a residential area, yet its garden is filled with aroma of beautiful flowers.
"Whenever I want to relax, my garden answers for it", Mrs. Koizumi smiles. Trees are well arranged, giving ease to the viewers. Chatting is a pleasure as well.
"Can you identify what the flower pot is? Yes, it is a used table of an old pedaling-type sewing machine", she said. "When I open the window of the bed room, pretty flowers welcome me", she continues.
This is Mrs. Minami's open garden. Can you see a plate that reds "Chersy Club?"
"I grew all the plant from the seed. There is no unusual flower, but I want to create my own garden", she says. The entrance approach is really wonderful!
Mrs. Ishida, a common friends of the two, also opens her garden. Some of the visitors from Fukuoka or Beppu take pictures and admire the garden
Her husband makes pottery and she plants flowers in them. This water pot is also his product.
Again, we browsed Mrs. Yasumatsu's garden full of herb and wild flowers. Here, red flower of Sage is in full bloom! I got a lot of unusual seedlings.

By Mie