
July 16, 2001: Joint kickoff meeting

We are again here in Yufuin valley to attend a joint kickoff meeting of YMF and Yufuin Film Festival (YFF.) Oita is still in the last stage of the rainy season. My. Yufu, however, soars high in the sky with its distinctive gentle slope in green.
The meeting will be held at Ibiza in Sansuikan Hotel. The restaurant features its unusual building designed from the image of Ibiza Island in Spain.

A large banner welcomed us. Many guests are already here and there in the restaurant.

I met Mr. Ono, the chairman of the hotel, and Ms. Izumi Kuwano of Tamanoyu-Hotel. The restaurant always offers a pleasant atmosphere of Spain.
Mouth-watering dishes are everywhere on the tables. I wonder what the white square box in the center.
An unusual large round board was set on it. Yes, this is a base for big pan of Paeja. The dish looks like very appetizing.
The joint kickoff meeting tonight is sponsored by Sightseeing Office and Hotel and Inn Union of Yufuin town. Many guests of them join the party.
Kentarou Nakaya is one of them as well.
The room is filled with many people. Now let's start!
Shite, the president of the Union makes a few words in the beginning.
Long speeches continue as usual.
Open kitchen with a large range hood is one of the sales points of the restaurant. Ms. Misako Fuchino is in the center of the picture.
We toasted for the two festivals with Yufuin local beer.
The young staff of YMF enjoy pleasant chatting in the corner.
I was suddenly asked to make a small talk on the 27th YMF. I appealed to make the Festival successful this year as usual.
Mr. Yamaguchi performed his wonderful canzone and won a storm of applause.
A young staff of YFF makes a speech.
Mr. Masakuni Kato wearing a red T-shirt of the YMF talks with Mr. Yoneta, the general secretariat of Yufuin Sightseeing Office.
Mr. Kumpei Mizoguchi, the president of YMF, introduces his recent trip to the UK and Hokkaido Island.

Yamaguchi and me were fascinated with his story in early summer in England.
Makiko Kato and Naoko Ono (right) chat pleasantly over tasty dishes.
The pleasant time passed so quickly. Mizoguchi made the final words saying "Let's join the Music Festival and Film Festival, and also don't forget to go to the polls for the House of Councilors."

Please come and join us in Yufuin in this summer.

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