
December 9: A friendship Bazaar of Group of Friends Oita Branch;   by Mie

When I walked out home, I saw Mt. Takasaki clearly under the blue sky. It is 8 a.m, I am going to join the preparation for our friendship sale to be held in downtown Oita. The weather is fine and rather warmer than I had anticipated. I hope many visitors will come to the bazaar.

The bazaar is held at the seventh floor of Rainbow Building in front of Oita railroad station. Our members come together one after another with their products in hands. We all put the sales tables in position and then had a morning meeting to make the final checks for the bazaar. I talked the members on the location of fire exits, the cleaning after the bazaar, and other items to be checked.
This is a stall for smock aprons, dishtowels, and Christmas goods. The members in charge stand around the table to have a meeting.
Here are our handmade Christmas goods. A young member made a very cute Christmas card of cutout-paper. I will buy it later.
Many visitors have already in line in the corridor no less than 20 minituts before the opening. I was so delighted.
Many members carefully check homemade cookies here. Cookies that clear the quality criteria such as brownness or shape will be sold at the bazaar.
Well the cookie stall is ready for opening. A lot of cakes and breads handmade with members' whole heart are neatly arranged on the table.

Anything-is-50-yen corner (left.) We hope tight worn-out children clothings will be recycled properly. Shabranir corner (right) displays a lot of handcrafts by the people of Bangladesh, including delicately embroidered cloths, glove puppet in unusual design, and pretty cards.


The bazaar was opened on schedule, at 11 a.m. MAny visitors who patiently in line for a long time dashed in and checked quickly their target goods and bought them. My smock aprons and homemade cakes were also soon sold out. I was very delighted.
I was in charge of supervising the sales floor, but first 30 minuts was so busy like a battle fields that I had to help the cashier. After the first fever, visitors calmed down and looked around the table with sufficient time. We were also relieved to see it.
My close friend kindly showed up with her friend. They relax in the tea corner after shopping.
In the backroom, members in charge of tea service are working hard by preparing black tea or cutting cakes. They look somewhat pleasant as well.
At 1 p.m, the bazaar was over as scheduled. We the member of the Group also enjoy shopping and tea break with the cakes. On the table are a handmade Christmas tree and a wreath. After taking a late lunch, we cleaned up the site and closed the door.
It was a very busy day early from the morning. I feel now a little bit tired, but this is a sort of comfortable tiredness because many visitors bought most part of our products, nearly sold-out. Today's profits will be partially contributed to many groups by Christmas time. This is a great joy for us.

Group of Friends
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