
December 8: Baking so many cakes ;   by Mie
We have had the coldest morning in this winter today. I found the weeds around my home were covered with frost. I can't stay in shaking with cold, however: I have to bake a lot of cakes for the Friendship Sale (bazzar) tomorrow sponsored by Group of Friend Oita branch. I have been preparing for it since the day before yesterday.


I put the recipe on the glass of the kitchen so as not to make a mistake in weighning the ingredients. Today, I will bake carrot cakes that contain a lot of ground carrot.
Here are my "art", pound cakes, carrot cakes, and cheese crackers. They are very tasteful, I can guarantee.
In the evening, we brought the products to my friend's home to attach the price tags on them. One of my friends, a farmer, brought in her homemade agricultural products such as dried persimons, Kabosu fruits, Yuzu citrons, Aduki beans, and red peppers.

We hope we will welcome many visitors tommorow.

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