
September 5 p.m: Guided tour to Tromso (2)
After the lunch in the cabin, we went back to central Tromso. This time we climbed up to Storsteinen Peak (altitude 420m) that looks protect Tromso from the harsh climate of the Arctic Circlr city.
The magnificient scenery tells us that beyond the canal is Tromso Island we walked in the morningpromnade.
Far in the center, the senior high school in which Mr.Klaus had taught Germany and Lapish is identified.
The gondra brought up to the top. The name of gondra could be read "White bear."
Some youngsters quickly climbed up to the iron structure. They were the maintenance people to prepare for winter season use. The white bear soon disappeared down to the base station. 
The picture and explanation on the observatory deck depict the complicated shore line called fjord and surrounding hills of nothern Norway. 
 Tromso,whose altitude is almost 70N, is unexpectedly warm. This in because the Nothern Atlantic Current delivers the warm air and the surrounding peaks like this protect the coldness. The highest mountain in Tromso is Jiehkkevarri (1833m.)

The island is connected to the mainland by the Tromso Bridge and the Tromsoysund Tunnel, and to the island of Kvaloya by the Sandnessund Bridge. Onthe up left is Tromso airport and in the central green is a ski jump slope. In front of the slope is Tromso University, the northernmost university in the world. In front of the scene is the Arctic Cathedral, the most famouse landmark in Tromso to which we will visit from now.
Mr.Klaus said this was the first time even to him to climb up here and he took many pictures. 
The cold climate doesn't allow trees to grow high. Moss and lichen densely cover the ground instead. Althou the air in Tromso is unexpectedly warm,the Arctic Circle highland is too harsh to theplants.
We got down the ropeway by White Bear who crossed "Seals" gondra.
We visited the white triangle church we looked down from the top of the hill. Mr.Klaus managed to take a good angled whole picture at the guardrail. the Tromso Bridge makes a beautiful curve.

Tromsdalen Church Ishavskatedralen literally means "The Cathedral of the Arctic Sea." It features the modern design of Tromso winter and aurora.


The stained glass shines beautifully in the afternoon light worthy to 35 Euro church entrance fee.
The tapestries of the candle holding maiden are good as well. 
We crossed the bridge again and visited the largest supermarket to buy foods for dinner. Plebty foods fill the shelves.
After then we drove around the whole island. This is the campus of Tromso, the northernmost university in the world. Mr.Klaus had once taught German grammer here as well.
We tried to visit Tromso airort, but the complicated crisscross tunnels made us lost our way. We got out a wrong exit and went back in haste and arrived the airport at last. The airport has many connections to Oslo.
In the end, we drove around the residential area in which Mr.Klaus had once lived. He showed us his old apartment. The time is already a half past six and we headed to the lodge after visiting many old places of the island.
After the dinner, we walked out to enjoy the beauftiful sunset like this. The crimson sun light reflects the surface of the calm fjord to make an unbelievable beauty.
Remote hills still hold residual snow in early September. A camping car looked enjoy thescenery as well.
In the midnight, my husband suddenly shook me out of sleep. I walked out and witnessed the most beautiful Polar Light in this time journey to Scandinavia.
The cabin landlady had said sorry in the last rainy evening, saying she saw a huge Northern Light the day before night, but I could it at last today.
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Today's mileage ??(total 2643Km)  Picture by:K.P.Nickel Ken &Mie