January 1, 2006: The first visit

The year of 2006 has opened.
I hope all of you will go well this year.
After celebrating the first morning, we walked out for visit to a shrine nearby. We passed through the housing complex and came at the crossing which was always in the traffic jam. This morning, however, it was so quiet with occasional car passing.
We went straight and came up to a bridge over Oita river. The point was under a heavy construction in the last new year days.
In last March, a new bridge called "Kokubu" was completed. On the right, the old Kokubu bridge was under dismantling now.

Only one span of the bridge stands lonely in the cold river water.
The access roads were re-routed beautifully.
From left, Mt. Yufu and Mt. Tsurumi, and Mt. Takasaki were visible clearly.
My familiar walking bank of Oita river was closed for construction.
We walked through the old narrow pass in the village.
Across the old houses were winter rice paddies with green seedlings of wheat.
We arrived at Kaku shrine. A pair of "Komainu, stone-carved guardian dogs placed at the gate of the Shinto welcomed us. It took about an hour walk from home.

Kaku shrine's origin dates back to Ninmei Emperor time (836 A.D.) The shrine was dedicated to Takenouchi Sukune and Takeiwa Tatsu gods.
Takenouchi Sukune comes to this shrine only during harvest festival days (September 1-11.) He usually sits in Yusuhara Hachimangu shrine of Yawata area in Oita city.
Takeiwa Tatsu is a god in Aso shrine in Kumamoto prefecture. It is uncertain why the god was here as well, they say.
The visitors made a long line even outside of the precincts.
We were in line as well and prayed our respects before the god at last. Some of the visitors were with their pet dogs as this year is called "Dog year" in Japan.
In the end, we took warm by the fire in order to prevent ourselves from catching colds through the year.
We walked back home. I found beautiful rape blossoms, good for "Welcome new spring."
I arrived at home and found just one flower of camellia in my garden for the first time in this season.
The year of 2006 opened peacefully.
I hope many people will visit my web site as usual