January 2, 2005: Nice to meet you

Happy New Year! I hope you visit my web site frequently as usual.
Mt. Yufu (left) and Tsurumi soar beautifully in the blue sky.
I visited Hayashi shrine nearby and prayed quietly.
I wished we can live peacefully with sound health and mind.
I warmed my self by a bonfire in the precincts. It is said that the fire will prevent me from catching a cold for a year.
I took a short walk around my home.
A bridge is under construction together with access roads.
A straight road will stretch from our residential area and be connected to the new bridge.
Kokubu Bridge; length 187m, width 12m.

Watch tower was closed during the holidays unfortunately.
The confirmed traffic congestion will be eased, they say.
I will send various reports around me through my homepage. I hope you enjoy it.