November 10, 2005: Kyushu - Latvia Snow Club
(No.6) The main event
The late Dr. Ukichiro Nakaya was a Japanese snow and ice researcher who created artificial snow crystals for the first time in the world. Mr. Kentarou Nakaya, a nephew of Ukichiro, one day introduced us of a very good tour to Latvia to join an official meeting called "The dialogue of ice and snow exhibition" to be held at National Museum of Natural History in Riga City in November.
In the very morning, Mr. Tanaka came to the hotel and kindly invited us to Japanese embassy official residence in Riga. We were very glad and promised to visit there tomorrow.
Now "The dialogue of ice and snow exhibition", the main event and our purpose of this time visit, will start today. We female members were strained and dressed up with Japanese Kimono costume.
Male members were free in the morning and gathered to National Museum of Natural History in the afternoon.
What happens from now and how we can manage our tea service ceremony. We all feel uneasy a little, but have much pleasure.
The guests showed up in twos and threes, but the site was still busy to finish up the exhibition preparation. It seemed that Latvian people were doing their best in everything after 14 years of the independence.
We looked through the Museum before the main event took place. Many unusual plant and stuffed animals were displayed beautifully.
Kimono demonstration on the street attracted the attention of the passers-by. It was still three in the afternoon, but the sky was already dark.

Kimono picture.
This time exhibiton was opened from today through December 30 as a special exhibition to cerebrate the 160th anniversary of National Museum of Natural History. During the term, outside scientists,artists,poets,and philosophers will be invited from Japan and Germany to join the workshops. Many support organization have been working hard for the exhibition.

Ms. Ieva, our guide, is a beautiful lady.
The official Exhibition has started at last.
The chief of the Museum, government officials, and press crews filled the room.
Opening messages were interpreted to Latvian and Japanese respectively. The late Dr. Ukichirou Nakaya was highly praised by many people.
Global environment continues to worsen today as well known. In this time, the research on snow and ice is very important, Latvian Environmental Minister stressed.

An impressive story was revealed, this exhibition started from an E-mail from a young Latvian who knew the similar exhibition in Japan and appealed to his government about the importance of the environmental protection.
After the opening ceremony, Mr. Kanda, the director of Nakaya Ukichiro Snow Museum in Kaga city Japan (Ukichiro's birthplace), made a demonstration to make actual snow crystals in the room by using patented special equipment.
Dr. Ukichirou Nakaya smiles in the old picture.
Real time growing of the snow crystal was displayed on the screen. When an ice cube is exposed to the super refrigeration status under the presence of a strong ray, the snow core will be born in it and starts to grow to a hexagonal crystal.
Now, the exchange party started. Females were busy in preparing for the tea-ceremony.
Tea cookies were brought in from Japan and put on the autumnal colored leaves of the Riga's street tree. On the left tray was "Thin ice" cookie named after this time special exhibition and Kyoto's Confeito ( type of small candy made by crystallizing sugar around a poppy-seed core) to be used in the coming wedding ceremony of Japanese Princess Noriko. On the right tray was cake from Matsue City Japan.
Tea cups for powdered green tea were ready for service.
Latvian style snack corner.
I was in tension in the service after a long time. The first guest was Latvian Environmental Protection Minister. I explained him how to enjoy the tea.
The Minister did very well. On the back table, many tea cups waited to be served.
I showed the officials a lacquered tea caddy on which snow crystal patterns were beautifully designed.
They looked eagerly how to prepare the tea.
Lovely kids seemed to be interested in Confeito. After gazing it for a while they tried it and drank the tea.
Many guests joined the tea ceremony. Japanese cookies looked like very good and one of the mothers asked me if she could bring back a piece of cake for her kids who stayed at home quietly.
So many guests visited the tea ceremony. Many of them took pictures and enjoyed the good exchange atmosphere.
In the end, Japanese staffs enjoyed the tea as well.
In other rooms, some exhibitions were on display.
Snow crystal making cylinder.
Two daughters of Ukichirou Nakaya joined this time exhibition. Each of them are excellent researchers. This is "Fog Art" by Fujiko Nakaya.
BACK:No.5 Riga old town NEXT:No7: Dinner party
透明な氷に・・・研究しました. When a strong beam is irradiated to a piece of ice, the ice start to melt not only from the surface but also from the inside. This internal dissolution will produce a thin disk shape first, then develops branches to six directions, making a snow crystal-like shape. This is called "Tyndall phenomenon." An England scientist Tyndall discovered the phenomena for the first time in the world by observing ices of glaciers and frozen lakes and recorded it. As the shape is similar to the pedal of a flower, it is sometimes called "ice flower." Dr. Ukichirou Nakaya was fascinated with this beautiful and mysterious phenomena and researched it in detail. 「閉館の直前に・・・」以下の修正
I wanted to take an artistic photograph. Is it like that?
November 11, 2005: Kyushu - Latvia Snow Club
(No.8) Poem recitation
The late Dr. Ukichiro Nakaya was a Japanese snow and ice researcher who created artificial snow crystals for the first time in the world. Mr. Kentarou Nakaya, a nephew of Ukichiro, one day introduced us of a very good tour to Latvia to join an official meeting called "The dialogue of ice and snow exhibition" to be held at National Museum of Natural History in Riga City in November.
The last morning in Riga opened in the rain. We headed to Old Riga by exclusive bus.
Car is prohibited in Old Riga, a world heritage. We got off the bus at the square. The rain stopped luckily.
We had free time in the morning. I visited central railroad station of Riga. The railroad network extends to every direction. We were lured to take one of the train.
We returned back to Old Riga district on foot. I found a handsome gentleman statue on the road.
Latvian flags were everywhere to cerebrate the independence day on November 18.
In the back is the National Opera House we visited the day before yesterday.
I was advised to look up when I walked around Riga. This was because art nouveau decoration of the buildings were very good.
The stone-paved square was just like Europe.
All the members got together at lunch. The dish was unusual Chinese, but it wasn't so good, unfortunately.
We saw blue sky for the first time in this trip. We got excited and took many pictures.
In the afternoon, we visited Picture Museum and enjoyed old Latvian pictures and cameras.
I was surprised to find my long shade even it was still before two in the afternoon.
We visited Japanese embassy public residence. There are many embassies around here.
This is the building in which the public residence is located.
An Ukiyoe picture and Japanese flag were decorated at the entrance.
We were guided to the room. The table was beautifully decorated with flowers and cakes.
Mr. Tanaka, Japanese ambassador to Latvia, explained about the history and relationship with Latvia in detail. We forgot the time passes.

(Before the World War 2, Japan set the largest embassy here in Latvia. Just before its close,Chiune Sugihara, then vice consular to Latvia, helped more than 6,000 Jewish by issue the entry visas to Japan. Latvia is a country having more than 2,500 years history facing Baltic Sea. Latvia is a part of "Amber Trail" as well. Through seventh and 15th century, Viking had roared the area. Latvian loves nature very much and its famous folk song "One million rose" appeals very much in Japan. The young country wants close tie between Japan in industry invitation, culture, and sightseeing.)
Time passed so quickly.

We got on the bus and returned to Old Town. I found a Japanese flag hoisted on a nearby building.
The poet recitation started at six in the evening. Mr. Takahashi gave a few words in the beginning together with his recitation.
Kazuko Shiraishi recited a poem that expressed her impression by seeing ice core of 250 thousands years ago taken from the South Pole.
Then three Latvian poets read the poem about snow and ice. Even in a country locked in snow for a half year, people may get delighted by seeing the first snowfall.

In a well-honed poem world, I felt anew the beauty of Japanese language in the intellectual world.
We exchanged each other over good wine. Now all our official events were over.
Now, let's relax. We arrived at a huge suburban restaurant to take dinner.
Many big Christmas decorations were already set here and there.
We expressed thanks to pretty Ms. Ieva who attended us for four days in Riga.
The dinner was of buffet-type. We enjoyed good live music as well by dancing pleasantly.
Do Latvians spend long winter in this way? I want to visit Riga again in the fresh green season.
BACK: (No.5) World heritage Riga Old Town NEXT: (No.7) Thank you party