March 20, 2005: Ancient burial mound
We could look down Miyazaki railroad station through the window in the morning. The hotel was located in a very close to the station.
It was drizzling in the morning. On our way back to Oita, we dropped down at old burial mound in Saito city. We visited luxurious building called Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture.
My husband wore a vest that explains the exhibition by voice. The explanation comes from the embedded microphone on the shoulder when the sensor on the ceiling catches the movement of the visitor who walks along the handrail.
The museum was free. The visitors can see and touch the unearthed articles. It is a sort of new type museum. Visitors can learn the creation of Japan through many new-type displaying technology.
The huge replica of ancient burial mound and other interesting items catch the visitors' hearts.
Visitors can also retrieve interested items through the personal computer.

How to fix the age of unearthed items? So many archeological-related books were on the shelves.
The drizzle was cleared up. On my back is the museum and on my left is a ancient burial mound.
The ancient burial mounds are dotted in the rice field and flower beds.
Tall trees have started to come up at last beside a burial mound. The park was very good to look back the ancient times of Japan.
Yukiyanagi flower has already bloomed here in Miyazaki as was to be expected. The bud is still hard in Oita, though.
Miyazaki Flower Festival was opened today. The flower bed is filled with many pansies.
This is flower cabbage.
My favorite poppy will bloom soon.
White magnolia swings in the breeze.
The flower stand on the road was of the shape of Haniwa, clay image of unearthed ship miniature.
We headed north to Oita and took a lunch break at a restaurant. We could see the making of Go stones. White stone is made from Hamaguri clam shell and black stone is made from black stone produced in Nachi (Wakayama) area.

When we arrived at home in Oita past five in the evening, we were surprised to know that a big earthquake hit Fukuoka area in the noon time. I express sympathy to the casualties.