March 19, 2005: The first western music in Japan
First of all, we filled gas up at the usual station.
Then we drove route down to the south. Inukai area used to be a bottleneck of the traffic but it has recently been improved greatly. We could go comfortably.
This is the border of Oita and Miyazaki prefecture. The rest spot is called Ume with an unusual shaped bridge.
As the noon time was closing, we took lunch here. The dish was "wild bore noodle." The meat of wild bore smells a little but it was good to enjoy with rice paste soup.
I took the handle from my husband and arrived Seagaia in Miyazaki prefecture. Tall building of the hotel matches well with blue sky of south along with green palm trees.
The outdoor pool water was still cold for swimming as was to be expected. Kids were playing on the artificial sand beach.
After a while, we arrived at the destination Miyazaki Prefectural Art Theatre. The cultural area is dotted with a library, an art museum, and this Art Theatre.
We will have a concert in the theatre this evening.

Professor Shigemi Takei, who is a regular member of Yufuin Music Festival, will manage the lecture concert today.
As we had a short time before the opening, we took a light meal of spaghetti in the restaurant in the theatre. The taste of basil was good.
We walked around the garden. The statue with an umbrella on the shoulder is Bokusui Wakayama, a poet of Japan rather than Miyazaki prefecture.
We then visited Miyazaki Shrine next to the park. The tall Japanese cinnamon trees have already started to hold fresh green buds on the twig.
On the surface of the entrance gate was a beautiful heraldic emblem of chrysanthemum, the symbol of royal family. The enshrined god is Emperor Jinmu.
The site will be opened at 6:30 p.m. Many audience make a long line like this.
The main theme of the concert this evening is "Western Music Tour based on Mansho Itoh." He was born in Saito county in Miyazaki in 16th century and sent to Europe on behalf of feudal lord Sorin Ohtomo of Bungo. The mission was called "Boys' mission to Europe in Tenshou Era." The music score is a sample of then which might be seen by Mansho.
Ms. Masako Hirao is one of the top players of the music at the time. She played wonderful old music together with good artists. The sound of old music of Portugal, Spain, and Italy were elegantly filled the hall. Special old dance was also restaged wearing old costumes taken from the paintings like this.
After the concert, we took we-were-there-picture in the hall.

There were many interesting display pictures in the lobby.
Thank you very much for a wonderful concert today.

The stained glass of the lobby was very beautiful.
Western Music Tour based on Mansho Itoh
Lecture concert

Part 1: Western Music that Mansho enjoyed
Part 2: Dance Mansho experienced in Pisa of Italy
Part 3: Mansho played western music in front of Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Plan and lecture by Professor Shigemi Takei of Miyazaki University
Masako Hirao (Viola Da Gambo)
Junichi Furuhashi (Recorder, Dortian, Kurmhorn)
Heihachi Nagata (Lute and others)
Itsuko Noto (Double harp)
Naoki Ueo (Spinet, Muzet, Guitar)
Hiroko Higuchi (Dance)
Kiyohito Uesugi (Counter tenor)
Arata Yamagiwa (Dance)