February 24, 2005: After a long time
When I look out in the morning,it snowed quietly. Just under the sight is a preservation area of old Water Gate area. Lovely old houses are covered with thin snow. They look just as if they made a stage of a fairy tale.
I was delighted and went out of the apartment with a digital camera in hand. There were many statues in the street like this. A small park was covered with snow as well.
Today, we will see Ms. Amy with whom we met before in Oita. It is the highlight of this time trip. Mr. Tsukamoto kindly took us to the destination at a food court of Department of Commerce building.
Ms. Amy was invited as the main guest of Hyper Network Conference in 1999 (Beppu Bay Conference.) What a coincidence it is, it was exactly today of six years ago that we first met at Oita air port! After the Conference, we have been taking contact each other through the E-mail. It is very good to see you again.(Click)
She is an officer of US Department of Commerce. After the security check, we were guided into the building with a permission seal mark on the chest.
Ms. Amy guided us through the huge marble building. This is the miniature of the building, the largest building of the governmental architecture, they say.
The decoration on the ceiling was really great. Ms. Amy kindly promised us to join a guided tour of the Capitol tomorrow. We were delighted. (Click)
Ms. Amy went back to the office. Outside of the Commerce building was just like a world of Sumie (black-and-white painting, Click.)
As it was still snowing heavily, we ran into National Museum of American History nearby.
Ms. Amy recommended to take a look at Julia Child Cooking corner. When I used to live in Chicago, I was a fan of her cooking TV program in Chicago days. I bought her big cooking book and I used to cook in her way after I returned Japan.
This picture was very impressive. It appeals the terror of agricultural chemicals. A skull farmer seeds on the field. Just after his trace, many doves, the symbol of peace, pile up their dead bodies.
We then walked around the streets in the snow and passed by a building. It was of US Environmental Protection Agency. My husband said he used to visit it sometimes when he was working in Chicago.
Behind me is great building of Old Post Office. Last time, I visited here and took a rest in it and enjoyed pretzel.
Yes, the shop was there as before. I took a small pretzel sprayed with cinnamon sugar on it. It was very sweet and good.
After we returned home, we took a short break and started to prepare supper. The menu was Chinese noodle using available materials in the icebox. It was new for me that Tofu was sold in paper pack.
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