February 25, 2005: The Capitol
I am preparing for the breakfast in the kitchen. The menu is cooked rice,Miso soup,boiled vegetables,fruits,milk,soymilk, and coffee. There are many kinds of seasonings in the icebox.
We will meet Ms. Amy at 9:30 a.m. We took a subway from nearby station(Foggy Bottom.) This is the entrance of George Washington University. Behind this gate is the subway station.
DC subway is very clean.
We got off at Union station. On my back is the Capitol. It takes some minutes to get there on foot as the size of one block is very big.
This is Russell Senate Office. We passed a strict security check and got permission seals on the chest.
From left, Ms. Amy, Mieko, and Ken at the office of a Senate from Virginia state.
We were guided by a secretary of the Senate. This is a motor vehicle in the basement connecting Senate Office and the Capitol.
In a moment, we arrived at the Capitol basement. I was told to take picture through the window. Washington DC restricts the height of the buildings. This is why DC's sky is very large and beautiful. (Click)
The floor tile is very good. Some part of the pattern was eroded by so much traffics.
Great chandelier reminds me of a musical "Phantom of the Opera." Around the chandelier are the sculpture of cotton flower, one of the plants that created this great country. (Click)
Old Supreme Court was restored and preserved carefully. This is the seat of the Chief Justice. (Click)
The guide , Mr.Tsukamoto, and Ms. Amy all look up the ceiling.
This is the central dome of the Capitol. It is very beautiful. (Click)
The main hall. Each state has its representative statue. (Click)
The building of the Capitol looks like pale white looking from outside, but it was so colorful and massive like great arts. I was very glad to have such a good chance.
Thank you the officer who guided us all the way of the Capitol building. Beautiful Capitol building is behind us. (Click)
We feel hungry and Ms. Amy guided us to a restaurant in Union station.
Many menu worthy to be called "America" can be found at a restaurant in the main concourse, Ms. Amy said. The menu list was of "Stars and Stripes."
We have enjoyed a good lunch over pleasant chatting of our good memories. Exactly today six years ago, she stayed at my house in Oita, Japan.
What is America? Mr.Tsukamoto and my husband selected "Gambo". Ms. Amy took hamburger set, and I enjoyed chicken salad and garlic bread.
Union station is a great building including many shopping areas that make me feel happy just by looking.
Ms. Amy has returned back to work. Thank you very much for your kindness of sharing your busy time for us. See you again! After that, we visited White House. White White House was very beautiful but some soldiers are visible on the top of the house gun in hands. (Click)
Tonight is the last chance to look Washington DC. It was very good but too short.
Mr. Tsukamoto took us to a dinner in George Town on foot, some 15 minute walk from his apartment.
A beautiful sunset, J.F.Kennedy Center(above) and Potomac river side(left,Click.)
The dinner was of Vietnam dish. Harumaki, noodle, fried chicken, and others. They were all spicy and tasty. Thank you Mr. Tsukamoto.
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