Feb. 19 - March 1, 2005 : A small trip to USA after a long time
February 20, 2005: Ground Zero
One of my target in NYC was to visit Ground Zero, the site of World Trade Center.
WTC building was destroyed by fanatic Arab terrorists on September 11 2001. Just after two weeks of the tragedy, we started to make a scheduled trip to USA and witnessed the site still was smoking.
Next to the Ground Zero is St. Paul church in which many monuments are displayed as they were.

The right picture seems to be the same scene I saw by my naked eyes.
Missing person memos were everywhere including Japanese. Many Japanese kids visited the site from Japan and left such commemorative "Senba-Zuru",(thousand cranes, folding paper by wishing something come to reality.)
The chairs of the church, which should be kept clean white usually, are stained like this. They were used as the rest place of exhausted rescue team members. Their heavy equipments hurt the chair. The stains will be preserved as they are, they say.
At last I stood on the site. Many people visit today as usual.Click to enlarge.
The site is surrounded by wire netting and many pictures are on the net. The right picture was taken from the right above. A huge empty hollow is visible like this.
A cross. A burnt iron frame was dig out of the site and set here for a monument. On the right edge is a molten piece of metal. (Enlarge) /FONT>
On the net were names of the victim. The list appeals the tragedy and cruelty of Arab terrorists.
A new construction work has started already on the site. A cenotaph and buildings will be constructed, they say.
We took a simple lunch at a shop next to the site. From here I could take a good picture of the site.
We walked down to Wall Street just next to the site. The traffic is controlled since the tragedy. This is New York Securities Stock Exchange building.
We walked down to Battery park. We could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance. I want to visit the Statue but it doesn't come true yet.
Gateway Plaza at the bank of Hudson river. The round glass roof is of Winter Garden, a rest place of the citizen provided with simple stage in it.
We returned hotel to see Mr./Mrs. Tsukamoto who will take care of us this time as usual.
He guided us to a Korean restaurant as I am interested in Korean culture deeply.
Kimuchi dishes were quickly served.
Chowder cooked at the table was today's main food. Good food and pleasant chatting made us so happy.
Thank you Ms. Consuelo who guided us NYC all day long on a cold day like this. See you again!
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