May 31- June1, 2004: Flowers in Okinawa
I have been expecting that I could see unusual flowers and trees in Okinawa, far south island from Oita in Kyushu island.

The first flower welcomed me at the hotel. White color was the basic color of the hotel and every corner was decorated with white flower like those, Casa Blanca and moth orchid.
I saw many Gettou flower in Shuri Palace. The flower was new for me.
The leaf of this plant will be used for steaming of rice cake to give good aroma of the flower, they say. The flower was sold in the market in a large scale.
Street flower on both side of the road. The contrast of deep green and red color fascinated me.

Houou-boku (Chinese Phoenix tree) will bloom soon.
The tree holds so many peas over 30 centimeters long.
Gajumal tree makes big shade by alone. The tree grows on the stone fence, but the down coming rots spread wide like this.

I saw this big tree in the precincts of Suigenji temple on my way to International street in downtown Naha. The temple was once of Shou family's of Ryukyu dynasty. There is no building today. Only grand scale stone fence was remained.
This tropical-like flower is very lovely. Unfortunately, I can't tell the name.
The yellow flower grows on the fence of the hotel.
Adan tree and fruit grow wild on the beach of Manzage. The fruit looks like pineapple, but not edible, they say.
Hibiscus grows like this in Okinawa.
White hibiscus grows on the fence. It holds abundant flowers all through the year if we have less rainy days and hot temperature, they say. I love this flower very much.
Another hibiscus.
This is a fruit tree in Tropical fruit garden in Gyokusendou park.

It grows papaya.
Pineapple is growing.
This could be mango.
Sugar cane field.
White flowers match well with Okinawa landscape like this.
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