March 21, 2004: NPO Sightseeing COARA picture taking tour
Today, we will have a joint "picure-taking tour" which was discussed last time's meeting of "Making homepages." In order to create a homepage of sightseeing information send-out, Oita city officers and Oita Sightseeing Committee planed this time tour. Our NPO will back it up. Betsudai Road has been refreshed recently like this.
A wide banner reads "Umi-Tamago", or "Marine-Egg" to be opened on April 1.
Yes, today's sites are Monkey Park on the foot of Mt. Takasaki, Marine-Egg, and a mono-rail system.
Our staff stands by in the park early in the morning.
This is the old aquarium building closed last year featured by lovely sea otter performances. Thank you sea otters for a long time.
The staff, students, and related people flocked before one p.m.
The eager students first learn how to use a rental digital camera.
Just on time, the class started regardless cloudy weather.
Some comments were explained from the staff in advance. Then Mr. Asano, a member of Municipal Sightseeing Office, guides the student. We got on to the start point of the newly built monorail.
The tourists will cross this pedestrian overpass to access the monorail station after April 1.
Colorful pansy flowers welcome the tourists at the station.
The 17 students and 12 staffs came into the new station with digital cameras in hands.
The monorail is still under test run.
A staff set up the digital video and the students target their camera to the monorail wagon. "Would you like to try taking a moving target by so-called 'flow taking technique' you have learned last time?" "Yes, I'll try, but it sounds me hard."
Well, a two-car train started. I suppose the scene from the car will be good from the other angle.
The spectators are not limited to human like us. Even a monkey appeared to view us. It poses for a shot.
We crossed back to the Marine Egg. We will visit the newly built Monkey House from now on the left. The pedestrian over bridge starts from the House.
One of the staff transfers the pictures from the digital camera to the PC to refresh the memory of the camera.
The Monkey House has a long corridor with white wall and blue columns.
In he center of the hall are beautiful geometric patterned upstairs that lead to the second and third floors.
Behind the hall is a souvenior shop. The shelves wait for souvenior goods.

"Attention please" sign tells people how to enjoy the Monkey Park.
The students stopped their feet in front of the decoration on the wall. So many monkey masks welcome the tourists.
he “one-hundred monkey faces” may be a fun to the visitors.
Lovely monkey dolls are here and there.
One of Oita prefecture's special products is bamboo craft. An Internet corner is surrounded with many beautiful bamboo crafts.
The tearoom is just like a cabin of a boat.
You may feel just as if you are on the deck of a boat. The restaurant will be opened to the outside view.

A wide-angled picture will show you the whole view of the park. On the left is the Marine Egg we will soon visit.
Contents to be continued