March 21, 2004: NPO Sightseeing COARA tour part2
Now, we will visit Marine Egg.
Mr. Shouji of the facility welcomed us. The monument is covered with a blue sheet until the opening ceremony.
We all were glad to be welcomed. The building is under the final polishing and we were asked to wear a pair of slippers. In some areas, even the slippers will be taken off, he said.

We took off our shoes and entered the hall. What is surprising, big whales are looking down us from the ceiling.
They make us feel just as if we were in the water. We look up the belly of the whales.
All the students and staffs are interested in.
Masayuki Nagare, an engraver, made this works that reads Marine Egg in Chinese characters.
The guide map shows what are on each floors.
The Performance area is on the mezzanine. Sea lions, walruses, and seals are already enjoying spring sunlight on the rocks.

The explanation board is very easy to understand.
The Marine Egg staffs are busy to finish up the performance on the opening ceremony on April 1.
Beautiful pamphlets were distributed.
Mr. Shouji gives short comment in the entrance hall.

The fish are wandering slowly in the huge circular water tank. We were moved by the impressive scene of the wandering fish.
One of the NPO staff became a mermaid. This is not a synthesized picture, the floor is also made from transparent plastic.
The glass tank shows the fish that can live in the mixture of fresh and sea water.
A school of sardine shines in the dark.
This is the kids corner with a huge whale mouth open.
Turn the corner, and you will jump out to sea otter pool, one of the best spot of the Egg. We could watch the training of the performance. It was very hard to take a shot of lovely faces of the animal.

We look up Egg Hall from the bottom of the huge wandering tank.
The Guinness Book of Records may take in this looking-in glass, they say.
The changing color fascinated us.
The dim Hall may attracts the visitors so long time.
The proper hardness of the floor is very good when we get on it with our shoes off.
Even the shape of a light bulb is like an egg. The shade of the bulb reflects on the wall of the wandering tank making an illusionary atmosphere.
We again come out of the building. The area is one of the largest touching zone in the world. "Universal designed" hand washers are on the wall.
We took a short rest by watching lovely penguin show.
Can the students take good pictures in the rain?
Huge sea-lions are completely under control of young female staffs.
Lovely smiles at us after enjoying fish meal.
"Have you enjoyed our Marine Egg? Don't hesitate to ask me any question you have", Shouji said. He then kindly answered many questions patiently.
The tour will end soon.

Dolphins are swimming slowly in the glass tank.
Egg-shaped lights, dolphin water tank, and more. there are so many items to take pictures.
Machine room.
The young staff of the Egg wash the sea glass to be planted in the tanks. I have learned so many back works are in the Egg.
Tropical zone glass tanks harbor many beautiful fish like this.
Amazon zone.
The students transfer the picture to the computers.
Mr. Shouji is still under the fire of questions. Thank you very much, we will see you again soon after the opening.
Mt Takasaki is in the rainy cloud.
The badge on the students7 chests will allow them to enter some sightseeing spots along the Betsudai Road. Take good pictures and bring them in the next study class.
Contents Reported by Nagano