
February 25, 2002: Homemade bread making class
Lovely Hina dolls like those welcome guests at the entrance hall of my house. Yes, Hina Doll Festival is coming soon.
On a day like that, we Wasada branch of Oita Group of Friends planned a "homemade bread baking and seasonal food class" in my house.

My PC room turned to a backroom.
We had a very beautiful day on the class day. I set up a parasol in my garden.
The first thing I did at 8:00 a.m. was to break in bread ingredients.

At9:00 a.m., some friends showed up for help and quickly started their works.
My husband's PC table was turned to an exhibition corner.
We welcomed the first guest about 9:40 a.m. Takeuchi greets the guest and asked to attach a nametag on the chest. Today's recipe was given to the guest as well.
Takeuchi, the Group leader opened the class with a few words at 10:00 a.m.
She introduced the organization of GOF and Wasada members to the guests.

The guests introduced themselves as well.
The fermentation condition of the bread dough was first checked and set into the oven.
The dough after the primary fermentation is then divided into round rolls.
During the "bench" time, I explained why we planned a baking class like today. Our desire is to bake homemade bread easily.
The bench time was over, and the dough was then rolled up on the table. The smooth feel of the dough made us happy.
Poppy seeds, black pepper, and fine finish-up flour are the good toppings. Some cuts were made of the surface of the dough using knives and kitchen scissors. BR>
"Brave cutting is a knack", I explained to the guests by watching Kuroiwa's working hands (rightmost.)
The secondary fermentation needs warmer ambient temperature. In a cold day of the winter, hot carpet and kerosene stoves are used for warming the dough.
The next step is to prepare "Role O'Doul" division. As the dough includes egg and sufficient amount of butter, it gives another feel compared with previous table roll dough.

I explained that frequent feel of the dough is a knack of making good bread.
The timer on the oven tells us the end point of baking.
How the result will be?

Great! Beautifully browned hot bread with savory smell made us shouting. /TD>
Next challenge is to make loaves of bread. Hand kneading in a bowl will tell you the characteristics of the strong flour. The mixture is then rolled out on the table. During the process, Ihara (left in the right picture) and I prepare for cooking a seasonal dish of "Cabbage and bacon boiled in cream."
to be continued