
February 7: An E-mail friend,   by Mie

An E-mail friend, Mr. Furuse, first contacted with me five years ago by visiting my home page. I will meet him who attends a learned society to be held in Yufuin.
As we haven't seen before, we arranged to meet at the lobby of Sansuikan Hotel. We could easily identify each other as soon as we first met. Mr. Kikuchi of the hotel joined us and had a pleasant time. Mr. Furuse(left) and my husband on the top picture, and Mr. Furuse, Mr. Kikuchi, and me on the right picture.
Mr. Furuse brought me an unusual souvenir "Tatami-iwashi", or rolled-out baby sardine.
We first drove up to the entrance of Mt. Yufu. The weather was as mild as spring today, but we still saw a flower of frost on the top of the mountain.
From Sagiridai, an observation platform, we could see whole Yufuin valley and identify Sansuikan Hotel in the distance.
Hot spring water runs into Kinrin Pond, warm enough to raise steam from the surface. We could see many fish swimming pleasantly. The scene is so famous that it is quite often used to introduce Yufuin.
The entrance of Kamenoi Besso Hotel features its wonderful straw-thatched roof quietly sit still in the winter clump of trees.

We took lunch in Keika-en restaurant in the hotel. The atmosphere was excellent, filled with the fragrance of early spring flowers.
The menu also features the sign of spring. We enjoyed so much talking over the wonderful dishes about the Internet or personal computer. As he had to attend the meeting, we had to hurry back to Sansuikan Hotel. We hoped to see again here in Yufuin with much more time.
We then turned to Yufuin Sightseeing Office. One of my friends, Ms. Hiroko, and another lady welcomed me. The office has recently been equipped with LAN system. Each staff has a personal computer on the desk. I have learned that Yufuin information is sent our from here.

The next stop today was Musouen Hotel that features its famous outdoor hot springs complex I have been longing for years. On the right is "Dreaming Hot Spring" for men.

This is "Sky and Sea" bath for women, from which I could enjoy a wonderful view of Mt. Yufu. I relaxed in the bath by looking the mountain.

We then left Yufuin valley and dropped in at Kawanishi district on the way home. I passed under a gate with a Shinto straw festoon and challenged a high steps to the top of a hill. Some 200 steps lead me to a small shrine. The top of Mt. Yufu suddenly came into my view.
The shrine is called Kesaki Gongen, or "Breakthrough God." In ancient times, Yufuin valley was a lake filled with abundant water surrounded with hills. Unagihime, a Goddess of Mt. Yufu one day thought if a part of the surrounding hills was broken, a fertile dry land might appear and the farmers would become very happy. She ordered mighty male god to break a hill open by kicking it. Yufuin valley today was born in this way, an old legend tells.
This is the breakthrough point. Oita river runs down to my hometown in Oita City.

I met a new friend in Yufuin of early spring, and had many new experiences today.

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