June 23,2007: The 33rd YMF preparation (No3)
I received a letter that read "The exchange meeting will be held together with a closed small kick-off meeting for Yufuin Music Festival," All the members prepared small food respectively.
Good foods were gathered like this. The meeting site was regular tearoom Kotokoto-ya. The staffs appeared in twos and threes after their work..
This time meeting was held as three members from Tokyo were scheduled to join tonight.
This year, the three members and local staffs will publish "The Yufuin Music Festival Journal."
Mr. Saito, the editor, Mr. Asayama, the music writer, and Mr.Obana who writes "Pleasant Music topics" were the main guests of the night.
All the attendants introduced themselves each other.Last year, Mr. Saito, the editor, couldn't join the Farewell Party and it was very sorry for him, he said.

So, please enjoy all through the festival this time.
Good foods and good wine and other drinks made us very happy.
Pleasant chatting find no end. The local staffs were very happy to hear the Tokyo members comment that they were fascinated with the air of Yufuin just after they had visited the last time festival.
Some copies were distributed to all. The copy was of ten years ago the 23rd Festival record. We were very interested in seeing the copy.
Ten-years-old members and new members will make a wonderful festival this time.
Mr. Masakuni Kato, the chairman of the executive committee,left,appealed that it was very good to have good young staffs who are very active in making new ideas.
All the staffs have their works and they join the festival during their busy time. This time Tokyo members have helped us and we were very happy.

Just one month is left before the start of the festival. See you again, Tokyo members, soon here in Yufuin.
Y.M.F Mie