
July 29, 2001: Farewell Party
The 27th YMF was over at last. All the programs were performed completely. I feel something lonely a little.

We will have a farewell party at Yunotake-Ann restaurant from seven p.m. this evening.
Young staffs and local volunteers are busy for preparing barbecue set of Bungo beef and original chicken.
There are many tables with beautiful dishes in the garden.
From left, Matsubara, Kobayashi and his daughter Sumiko.
Ms. Kirihara emcees this time and Mr. Kumpei Mizoguchi makes a few words as the chairman of YMF.
Ms. Toshiko Shide, the representative of Yufuin Cultural Group and the president of Musou-En Hotel, makes another speech before proposing a toast. She appealed "See you again here in Yufuin next year as well. Please accompany your 'most important' person with you."
We staffs enjoy tasty foods as well and say thank you each other. We have hard work to boost the event up, they are very dependable friends. Pleasant chatting took away my tiredness.
Each artist makes a few words. Thank you for your wonderful performances.
Ms. Misako Fuchino is one of my best friends in Yufuin.
We are happy as well. We hope we can join YMF next year as usual.
After the garden party at Yunotake-Ann restaurant, we moved to Tanaka Inn and continued pleasant time.
Artists are in a relaxed mood.
We-were-there-pictures, many times.

July 30, 2001: Back to Oita
The chirring of cicadas in chorus waked us up. After cleaning up the lodge, I came up to tearoom Gallery as usual year.
Refreshing greens and aroma of coffee heal me.
See you again Ms. Kirihara.

Thank you all who helped us in making a wonderful music festival. See you on the 28th YMF!
Reported by Mieko Nagano
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