
July 26, 2001: Eve
The 27th YMF starts today.

We enjoyed a fresh morning in the greens.
We wear YMF T-shirts. My husband will be the driver for Mr. Michio Kobayashi and I will work today in the lobby setting.
A meeting has already started in the community hall.

From left, Sawada from Toyama prefecture joins YMF regularly, Minoguchi, and Matsuda from Hiroshima prefecture.
A rehearsal has already started at the stage. Hiroshi Fukuzawa plays Viola Da Gamba helped by his wife Yoshiko Kojima, a cembalist.
The beautiful cembalo was made in 1995 by a Japanese. The characters on the back of the cover plate are Latin, meaning, "Music is a present from God" (left) and "Music heals people's hearts" (right), Mr. Kojima explained. He brought it all the way by his car.
Flower arrangement at the entrance to the hall.
The large vase holds many flowers.

They were taken from the hills and fields of Yufuin valley.
Another flower basket was brought in by Mizoguchi./TD>
Ms. Takei, right, arrived from Miyazaki City and soon discusses with Kato.
Another rehearsal by Matsumi (viola), Kobayashi (piano), and Takahashi (clarinet.)
From left, Kobayashi, Minoguchi, and Kuroki (contrabass) check the position on the stage.
Supper preparation in the kitchen by Junko Shide. Cool noodle will be today's dish, she said. The staffs will take supper here alternately.
Cool fine noodles assorted with local fresh vegetables are really tasty.

Fully ripen tomatoes and fresh cucumbers are on the dish as well. Mr. Kobayashi, Sumiko, and Matsubara enjoy the noodles as well.
pantomime artist Kamiyama rehearses carefully by tuning the tone of his unusual handsaw instrument or comically conducting the music.
The lobby is ready for opening.
At seven in the evening, the eve started. The hall is filled with many hearers.
Io of Yufuin Sightseeing Office takes video.
In the eve, all the artists perform wearing casual T-shirts. Takei (emcee) and Watanabe (music journalist) liven up the stage with their wonderful talks. I hope many people will enjoy the Festival as usual.
To be continued

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