
On-line report of rice growing

Rice is the most important food for Japanese people. You may understand how deeply rice is rooted in the life of the Japanese when you are told that the country has been called since old times "The Land of Golden Ears of Rice." Until Edo era, rice was used to pay tax, called, or yearly tribute. Luckily we have many rice paddies around my house. I will report using a digital camera in one hand how people grow rice.

May 28thWheat harvest, Seed rice 1
June 2ndSeed rice 2
June 5thSeed rice 3
June 9thSeedling
June 11thFertilization
June 13thRaking
June 15thRice planting
June 20thAfter the planting
June 30thA late planting
July 19thMorning rice paddy
August 7thSummer paddy
August 21stRemoving weed, sesame flower
August 22ndFlower of rice
August 31stThe last day of August
September 8thrice ear is getting down
September 16thTyphoon No.19
October 1stHarvest
October 1stRice reaping
November 20thCooking the rice

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