
December 31: New Year Eve:   by Mie
Lovely Lillian helps my husband in cleaning up the house. The weather is mild and they look very pleasant.

I cooked Osechi dishes with the help of Lillian. The work finished befor the last sunset oy 1999.
In the night, we enjoyed chatting, watching TV programs, and eating "Toshikoshi soba", or "Across-the New-Year's-Eve-buckwheat-noodles." Long thin noodles symbolize longevity. Lillian taught us that in Hong Kong, they eat dishes of vegetable, bean-starch vermicelli, and fermented tofu on the New Year Eve.

After eating the noodle, we went out to visit a small temple (Kakuen-ji) nearby. As the Buddhist priest said "Please feel free to ring the temple bell", we climbed up onto the stage and rung the bell. Now we entered a new year. We exchanged the greetings with the people around a bonfire. The picture (right) shows the countdown party on TV. I got the picture from Mr. Miyase.

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