
February 13: Snow festival in Kujyu
A beautiful day! I visited to "Kujyu Snow Festival" together with the Miyases, my closest friends. The Kujyu mountain range shows its beauty under the crispy winter sky. Mt. Kujyu (left) and Mt. Taisen (right.)
The festival is held at Choujabaru, a mountain climbing base. Many visitors fill the base on a clear weekend holiday. We have forced to park at far from the festival site. (Left) Mt. Hosshou , and steam from Mt. Iou (center), erupted five years ago after 250 years sleeping.
The Miyases look like delighted at the snow festival site. There are many snow-made characters popular to children who are screaming with laughter on sleds
sliding down on the gentle slope.
A promenade is covered with thick snow. Lovely Yuri is happy on the sled dragged by mom.
Beautiful Kujyu mountain peaks; from left Mt. Inahoshi (1774m), Mt. Kujyu (1788m), and Mt. Hosshou (1762.)
Just a minute down from Makinoto pass is wonderful trees covered with snow. I have never seen such a beautiful scenery. I have had a very pleasant day thanks to the Miyases.

Click the picture on the left for better view (size 79K.)

Reported by Ken

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