
January 15: Cooking Class for Men; Millennium hot-sherbet,  by Mie
The first cooking class for men in the new millennium opened today. I have been expecting what the recipe would be. My husband returned home with some materials including a beautiful Japanese white radish, tofu, pork, and other greens.

He declared to make "a sherbet hot-pot." I have hard the name of the dish, but I haven't actually cooked it in home. The first step is to peel off the skin of the radish cylindrically. The skin is sliced into thin bars to be added as a relish on fried pork. The body of the radish is ground to make "sherbet." We then squeezed juice in plenty from Yuzu (citrus fruit) we were presented from the neighbor.
An earthenware pot already boils kelp to extract the essence for stock. The ingredients are tofu, Enoki mushroom, and garland chrysanthemum. Leek and Ichimi hot spice will be used as spices together with the citrus juice.
Next step is to prepare Kuwayaki, or ginger-roasted pork. The pork is powdered with starch. Sauce is made from soy sauce, Japanese sake, sugar, and sweet sake.

The topping on the pork is vinegared ginger. Ginger is diced and dipped quickly into boiling water, then left in sweet vinegar to give flavor and faint pink color.

Now, today's main cooking: brown the pork fillets deeply, take them out to another mesh to spray boiling water to eliminate excess fat, then reheat them in the boiling-down sauce prepared in advance.
Now dish up with browned pork with the topping of pink-colored vinegar ginger, sliced and salted radish skin, quickly fried green pepper, and small pieces of toasted and seasoned laver. Well, call it a dish.

On the right is a dish of marinated mixture of turnip, sliced persimmon, and sliced kelp, which was used as the stock of the hot-pot.
Here, you see a sherbet hot-pot with the ingredients of plenty amount of ground radish, Enoki mushroom, tofu, and garland chrysanthemum all boiling in the pot.
A homemade vegetable pickled in rice-bran paste is added on the table. The hot-pot made us very hot from the core of the body. Today, we have "small-New=Year." I am very happy to have such a nice dish prepared by my husband.

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