May 15,2008: Picking up rose as usual
Just like the last year, I had a chance to pick up rose flower this year.
The arch seems to give way under the burden of wonderful rose flowers.
I felt a little to pick up living beautiful flowers. My close friend Kumiko makes them into dry flower and blends to her tea.
Before picking, I took the record of the flower. The rose bush is in Specialty store Paddington Tea Room's sister garden.
We were busy in picking up sp many flowers.
There were so many kinds of rose. The garden was filled with other flowers like lavender, sage, Gazania.
Not only the flower pedals, I was presented twigs. My home was filled with the scent of roses.
I put some pedals aside and enjoyed "Rose bathing" by them. I have had a good day today.

Thank you very much so many flowers.