November 2-3: The 10th Beppu Bay Conference 2007

I joined The 10th Beppu Bay Conference 2007 sponsored by Institute for Hyper Network Society (IHNS) held on November 2-3,2007 at Beppu Bay Royal hotel.

The hotel lobby was beautifully decorated with Christmas ornaments already.

The conference was held at the main hall on the second floor. Many participants have already signed in at the reception desk.

The scenery of Beppu Bay was really beautiful.

Behind the small church for wedding ceremony spread blue bay.

The hall was set up already.
At 1:00 p.m., Mr.Hirose,governor of Oita Prefecture, made the opening speech. "So called ubiquitous society could sweep away the differentials between centrals and locals. The responsibility of the local government is how to minimize the differentials between cities and country sides. Today, I would like learn about it together with all of you."
Mr. Shumpei Kuon,the chairman of INHS, unfortunately couldn't join this time conference on his urgent business but gave speech from Hawaii through the Internet. It was very sorry for me that I couldn't see him.
Session 1 "Present and Future of Net life"

First, Economist Mr. Kenneith Neil Cukier gave the lecture. "IT has created so called 'information states' instead of beaurocraticism-led welfare states in 20th century. The new states will be created by ourselves through the information technology."
Next, Dr.Gerri Sinclair from Canada made speech: "How to create a campus in the 'Second Life World'."
College students can "live" in a virtual 3D world by making their avatars in it and experience many things on real time basis."

The speech is simultaneously translated into English.
From left, Dr. Gerry Sinclair, Mr. Kenneith Neil Cukier, and commentator Mr.Sekiguchi.
Mr. Toshiyuki Takasaki introduced NPO Pangaea's activities that connects children world-wide. IT journalist Mr. Ryouji Koike presented the newest status of Silicon Valley. Mr. Toshinao Sasaki, journalist, introduced a very interesting theme "After web 2.0."
Session2: "Dream and reality of locals." The speakers were Mr. Kouichi Kawashima from Saga prefecture and Mr.. Yasuhiro Yamato from here Oita prefecture. Mr. Sou from Korea and Mr. Hiroyuki Ehara gave impressive presentations as well.
I have learned so many latest knowledge on IT technology through the conference.

After the conference, we took a we-were-there-picture.

We moved to the dinning room. Governor Hirose joined the party as well. He is very active in promoting IT technology in local area Oita.
We enjoyed local drinks and dishes.

In 2008, we will have the National Athletic Meet here in Oita and the beer bland "Mejiron (white-eye bird) appeals the success of the Meet.

Edible flower decorated an hors d’oeuvre.

Chinese dish was good as well.
Old friends.
From left, Mr. Izumi Aizu, deputy chairman of IHNS, my husband, Mr.Yasuhiro Yamato of Oita prefecture Office.
I met my old friend Mr.Seon-Gyu Go from Korea who made a wonderful presentation in 2003 Beppu Bay Conference.
Good old friends since PC communication group COARA. From left, Ms. Youko Ishida, Mr. Keitarou Inoue, and me.
The good dinner was ended up with the tasty dessert.

Session 3: Future image of net technology by Mr. Hiroshi Esaki from Tokyo University, "WiMAX" by Mr.Kenji Kohiyama of Keio University. Both of the theme were very difficult for me to understand.
After ten o'clock, "Night meeting" started. This meeting has been a very pleasant one since the start of the Beppu Bay Conference.
November 3

The beautiful landscape of Beppu Bay in the morning.
Buffet-type breakfast in the hall in which we had the meeting yesterday.
Abundant fruit and vegetable made me happy.
Session 4 was held at Japanese-Tatami room on the 3rd floor.

Local high school students from Nakatsu joined today.
Mr. Toshiyuki Hosaka talked about "IPv4 lack."
Mr. Seon-Gyu Go presented "How to create safe net world in Korea."
His speech was very good and easy to understand.

We have much to learn from Korea.
Mr. Izumi Aizu is always busy by flying around the globe.
Ms. Ritsuko Watanabe of IHNS presented about kids7 safety.

How to use a cellular phone wisely is a big problem in young generation.
The discussion continued more and more.
Instant lunch.
I was asked to make a brief speech as the local representative participant.
In the end, Mr.Kenneth Neil Cukier and Dr. Gerry Sinclair talked about the impression of the conference. They said they were happy to be able to join such meeting.
Like this, the 10th Beppu Bay Conference that lasted over 20 years was over in success. I hope to see good friends again expecting "What's the Next Big Thing?"