May 14,2007: Garden barbecue
I have been caught by a cold for a while and stayed in home until I recovered from it. Today, I was already at a good condition at last. The weather was fine, the best season of the year here in Japan, warm, dry, and crispy. we enjoyed a barbecue after a long time.
"Shichirin", or a portable clay cooking stove, was good for two. My husband started to fire the stove.
A piece of paper was rounded up and small died twigs were set on the stove. At the top of the stove, some pieces of charcoal were piled up. When they were ignited white smoke rose up.
When my husband sent wind by a fan, the fire grew up like this.
During the fire setting up, I prepared vegetables, meet, sauce, and ground horse radish together with soy sauce and vinegar.
The fire turned into mild. A steel plate was set on the fire.
The sun has set down and the air turned cooler. The stove presented me a very comfortable warmth. We toasted each other and enjoyed small good foods.

In a month or so, mosquitoes may swirl around the garden and we may not be able to enjoy good garden barbeque like today. We have had a good evening today.