November 21,2006 YMF Thanks concert
Late autumn sunset. We will head to Yufuin valley from now.
"Thanks for the land called Yufuin where Yufuin Music Festival was born,
the artists performed good music in the festival,
the people who supported and contributed the festival,
the colleagues worked together.
Yufuin Music Festival (YMF) opened a small private concert played by Mr. Michio Kobayashi, a prominent artist of the world."

I got a letter like this from a young YMF staff the other day.
"Artegio" sits still in the last autumnal tint this year.
Artegio is a museum featuring the combination of music and art. It is located in the thick forest of Fantasy Forest of Yufuin valley.
A silk screen by Mario Skifano in 1988 "Musik."
Chairs were brought into the hall.
Set up the chair.
Piano tuning by Mr. Shirasawa.
Artist Mr. Kobayashi showed up and started rehearsal immediately.
He asked to change the arrangement of the chairs.
He started the rehearsal again.
The banner of YMF was set above the stage.
The preparation of the tea time was ready. Mr. Kobayashi, left, and Mr. Kato, the head of executive committee.
This wonderful program was prepared by young staffs of YMF.
The guests came in by twos and threes.
Pleasant chatting flowers opened here and there.
Thanks to the young staff, we could enjoy good relaxed time tonight.
Good friends enjoy chatting endlessly.
Now the concert opened. Mr. Kumpei Mizoguchi, the representative of YMF, and Mr. Masakuni Kato, the head of executive committee, made few words in the beginning.
Mr. Kobayashi stressed that he wanted to express his art not by words but by his way of life as a resident of Yufuin. His strong word caught the hearts of the people.
The 250th anniversary of Mozart gave much progress in the research of Mozart music.
Mr. Kobayashi started his art with Mozart sonata #10 in C major k330.
The works by Schubert, Chopin followed then.

Mendelssohn work was called in the encore.
I was greatly impressed this time. Thank you very much for all who materialized today's great concert.

Well let join next year in YMF.
YMF "Thank you concert"
Piano concert by Michio Kobayashi
2006.11.21 artegio, fantasy forest
"Thanks for the land called Yufuin where Yufuin Music Festival was born,
the artists performed good music in the festival,
the people who supported and contributed the festival,
the colleagues worked together.
   The 32nd Yufuin Music Festival