August 24-26: My friend from New York, Oita Round trip
I drove out to Oita railroad station see my old friend from New York.
Mrs. Kaoru Tsukamoto, who always took care of us whenever we visited US,dropped at Oita for the first time. We enjoyed home dinner of grilled egg plant and fresh fish Sashimi.
August 25

It would be a hot day today as usual. We drove out to enjoy Oita summer. My husband took steering.
After passing Beppu spa, we visited Mt. Tsurumi and got on the ropeway.
Mt.Tsurumi is a part of Aso-Kujyu National park. The mountain erupted some 1,100 years ago and still smoking on the back side of the top.
The cool park was good playground for the kids in summer holiday.

The top of the mountain enjoys its coolness even in the midst of hot summer. The current temperature was about 22 degrees centigrade.
We headed to the summit. As the temperature was only 22,it should be cool normally, but we were wrapped in the cloud, we were all of a sweat.
The altitude of the mountain is 1375 meters.
Beautiful flowers have indicated the arrival of early autumn.
If it were fine, we could enjoy a grand view from the deck covering Beppu,Shikoku Island and more. Unfortunately the cloud were around us all the time.
The ear of Japanese pampas grass made us feel autumn.
Just ten minutes ride on the ropeway took us down to the foot.
We then got on the car and visited Sagiridai observation platform. Mt. Yufu on the back was very good. Mrs.Tsukamoto was watching a Japanese TV drama "Haruka of wind" and was moved by the scenery of Mt.Yufu, one of the main theme of the drama.
We arrived at Yufuin spa. Real spa welcomed her at the entrance of Tamanoyu hotel.
We took lunch at Budouya restaurant in which we enjoyed lunch with Mr.Tsukamoto.
The chairman of the hotel,Mr.Kumpei Mizoguchi,came to see us, He was very busy today because Yufuin Film Festival (YFF) was being held today.
He kindly took the picture.
The food was really good. Bungo beef was very juicy and fruity local beer was wonderful as well.
The dish was very good and I missed taking picture of it.
After the lunch, we enjoyed shopping.
We visited Kotokoto-ya tearoom next to see my close friend Misako. She kindly served good coffee and apple compote. On our way back, we bought her Campbell grape jam bins at the shop.
We then arrived at Makinoto Pass, 1330 meter above the sea level. The air was really cool.
We the visited Higotai Park in the evening. The cockscomb flower was very good.
This is Higotai flower.

The park was filled with so many beautiful autumn flowers.
Scarlet sage carpet.

Cosmos started to bloom.
The gate of the park.
In the end, we visited Nagayu spa and enjoyed "soda spa." The lukewarm spa refreshed us. We took dinner at home by local dishes.
August 26

She returns to Tokyo today.
See you again in New York or in Oita! The short pleasant three days passed so quickly.