March 8,2006: From Oita to Kumamoto(The Bungo highway
I started at seven in the morning and headed to Kumamoto through Aso highway in the white mist.
From Tateno Switch-back, Kumamoto city was still far away in the mist.
Ohtsu Road is lined with tall cedar trees who have survived more than 300 years. The width of the road that runs along Houhi railroad is narrow, but I love this old passage, however. It was nominated as "One of the 100 best road of Japan." Along the road is Musashi-Tsuka, an old graveyard of the great swordsman Musashi.
This is the entrance of Tatsutayama Forest Research. I have been fascinated with the beautiful metasequoia street and I visited there for the first time this morning.
I arrived at the destination at last. A pottery raccoon dog guards the garden.
Flower horse radish was already in bloom in the sun spot.
Christmas rose
Higo camellia hold very huge flowers.
After the meeting, I headed back to home and took a break at familiar view point of Shiroyama.

Aso crater was still in the white mist.
Used hay roll?
Burn off fields were here and there.
A huge cow monument welcomed me at Kujuu town.
As it was still bright, I dropped in my friend's house.
The garden was already turned from white snow to pale green color dotted with so many crocuses.
Hi, my good friend.
I was served with good coffee that eased me after a long drive.
The host presented me some mushroom growing logs as he had no product at that time. Thank you very much. It will be my pleasure to pick up real fresh mushrooms growing on them.
I have had a good day today.