November 7, 2005: Kyushu - Latvia Snow Club
(No.2) Departure to Latvia at last
The late Dr. Ukichiro Nakaya was the first researcher who created artificial snow crystals for the first time in the world. Mr. Kentarou Nakaya, a nephew of Ukichiro, one day introduced us of a very good tour to Latvia to join an official meeting called "The dialogue of ice and snow exhibition to be held at National Museum of Natural History in Riga City in November.
I have long been waiting for the very day to start the travel to Latvia. My huge suitcase was already sent to Kansai airport.
I carry a small in-cabin-bag with me and got on a highway bus to Fukuoka airport.
Autumn has come to Hakata street.
At Fukuoka airport,I met Mr. Morokuma of JTB(Japan Travel Bureau) and this time members from Kyushu Islands.
We enjoyed pleasant chatting and got on the plane.
We will stay at JAL Kansai Airport hotel tonight.
In the hotel lobby, Mr.Morokuma explained the schedule after tomorrow and room allocation.
The second term expansion construction under way was visible from through the window. Many miniature-like vehicles were working hard on the reclaimed land.
We took dinner at a Japanese restaurant in the airport. We enjoyed Tempura which would not be taken abroad for a while.
We cerebrated one of the members' birthday today. As the birthday cake wasn't available, we cerebrated him with a piece of Baumkuchen.
Mr. Nakaya, right, planned this time travel and Mr. Kitani who will take care of general affairs all through the trip.

This time group consists of various talented good people. We introduced each other by looking back the pleasant opening meeting.
BACK:No.1:Opening meeting NEXT:No.3 Arrived at Riga