January 20, 2005: Kyushu-Latvia Snow Club
NO.14 Call back the good memories
The late Dr. Ukichiro Nakaya was the first researcher who created artificial snow crystals for the first time in the world. Mr. Kentarou Nakaya, a nephew of Ukichiro, one day introduced us of a very good tour to Latvia to join an official meeting called "The dialogue of ice and snow exhibition" to be held at National Museum of Natural History in Riga City in November. We soon decided to join it.
Two months have already passed since the good travel to Latvia and St. Ppetersburg in last November. In the end of the travel, we promised to see again. As we got an invitation postcard from Mr. Kentarou Nakaya, the leader of the travel, we headed today to Yufuin.
Dear old members gathered from Sendai, Fukushima,Tokyo,Kobe, and Fukuoka and watched the video draft on the screen.
All the members lined up. The leader made a few words in the beginning. It was very good to see each other vigorously.
Some members accompanied their spouses and new friends.
The poem which had been recited in the "Snow and Ice Dialog Exhibition" in Riga was on air again on many beautiful images of snow crystals on the background.
We enjoyed the good memories of what we saw, heard, and we experienced through the travel. The commemorative travel report was under way for the publication including DVDs. We checked the draft today.
Well the dinner party was ready at Yunotake-Ann restaurant.
I found an old face in the kitchen. Yes, it was chef Miki, a member of the travel. He helped the cooking today as a professional chef.
The party stared at last.
Mr. Itsurou Takahashi, a poet who recited his poem in Riga, proposed the toast.
Good champagne.
The French bread brought from Dunk bakery in Kobe was really good. Oyster gratin was in Yuzu fruit, one of special product of Yufuin.
"Ukichirou" sake was served as well by bamboo jugs. The name of the sake was taken from Dr.Ukichirou Nakaya who created the snow crystal in the laboratory for the first time in the world.
We enjoyed the sake using bamboo cup.
Hokkaido brand potato was not soggy and taste very good. It was wrapped with aluminum foil and stored in the coffee room of the hotel.
Spinach salad was very sweet and refreshing.
Well the main dish today appeared. We gathered today to enjoy it. It was lamb from Hokkaido Island.
We enjoyed the lamb and pleasant chatting by calling back the good memories of the travel.
The last dish of the day was Soba noodle with crispy taste.
Thank you very much for good dish.
Faint snow was falling fantastically on the straw-thatched roof of the restaurant. We talked that the late Dr.Ukichirou Nakaya must have joined us today.
In the chatting room, we enjoyed old music record played by manual player. The old record player made me remind my old home.
The proprietress of Kamenoi Besso hotel joined us as well and enjoyed chatting on "Haruka Wind" being aired on TV. The program was based on Yufuin Valley.

A cold scene of the hills covered with snow.
Cold but refreshing air in the morning.
I enjoyed western style breakfast. The vegetable soup and salad of Yufuin were very good.
I took much tea as well.
Around the fireplace in the lobby, we were served with tasty Japanese tea. I called back the tea ceremony in Riga.
Some members left yesterday an some stayed at the hotel. As we had another schedule today, we said good bye to the friends. It was very good to have a wonderful day like this time. Thank you very much for all the good friends. See you again without fail.
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