August 23, 2005: Baritone concert "Pochette surprise"
The heavy rain has stopped at last in the morning, but the sky was still covered with low massive clouds over Beppu Bay.
We will have a concert by Mr. Keisuke Shibata, a prominent baritone singer of New National Theatre in Tokyo at Restaurant Echelle du Ange on Beppu beach. I joined it as a friend of pianist Ms. Tetsuko Takahashi. I was in charge of the reception table.

The subtitle of the concert was "Fuku-Bukuro (a mystery package containing a variety of articles supposedly worth more than the expectation) of dinner, and concert. The hall was ready to welcome the guests.
The guests came in twos and threes. They enjoy the beautiful scenery of Beppu Bay through the large window.
Each table was named like Brahms, Mozart, and Ravel. The dishes were ready for serve.
We receptionists took dinner together with the guests.
After the dinner, the concert has started at last.。
The guests enjoyed the atmosphere.
The singer fascinated the audience with wonderful songs such as Italian folk songs, Japanese ballads, lieder, and arias from Mozart's opera.

The explanation on the songs and his activity program were very interesting as well.
The overview of the hall of Echelle du Ange.
Today's emcee was Ms. Nagami from Saiki city, the common friend of Mr. Shibata and Ms. Takahashi. She is also a singer.

The encore song was "Red dragonfly." The concert was over in success.
CD shop with Mr. Shibata's autography.

I had a very good time today.
The last concert
reported by Nagano