August 19, 2005: A sign of autumn
I visited Kumamoto City after a long time. As the Bon Festival(the Festival of the Dead) season was over, a faint sign of autumn has arrived in the highland. The corn field spread all through the plateau.
I found the corn was grown up large enough for coming harvest.
Kuju mountain range stands clearly outlined against the blue sky in the morning.
Rose of Sharon street was very good.
The flower was really beautiful in the morning dew.

Autumn flowers like salvia and chrysanthemum smiled at me in a road crossing.
The clear blue sky and white shining clouds made me very happy ready for humming a melody.
Yamanami Highway stretched straight and I soon saw morning mist in Aso volcanic valley.
The outer rim of Mt. Aso dissolved into the morning mist. The air was cool.
The mist chased me.
After the meeting in Kumamoto. I took my way back to Oita in the evening. Ahead Ohtsu Street, massive black clouds filled the eastern sky.
I drove through the torrential rain frantically and soon found the sky was cleared up as if by magic.
the evening Highway blessed me with cool breeze. I opened the window and felt it was something cold. Yes, autumn was closing quickly in the highland.