June 13, 2005: Welcome Mr. Wyatt
A school mission from John F. Kennedy High school in Iowa USA came to Oita Oginodai high school today. A simple reception was held at Daiichi hotel.
The Stars and Stripes and the Rising- Sun flags were hoisted on the front stage wall.
The members from J.F.Kennedy High School appeared soon, guided by the teacher, Ben Johnson.
The principal of Oita Oginodai high School welcomed the mission with a warm message. On the left is the leader.
There were eight students this time.. Most of them were tall.
The students and host families introduced themselves each other. We will host Mr. Wyatt.
The students and the hosts exchanged greetings and enjoyed chatting in Japanese over tea and cake, as the students selected Japanese as their foreign language course.
We arrived home in the evening. I first wandered what was good for him and decided to prepare pot-au-feu and sushi for dinner.
After dinner, we enjoyed chatting by looking maps and a web site of Mr. Wyatt's hometown, Cedar Rapids.
It has been just three years since he started learning Japanese, but he speaks very well and even writes simple Japanese sentences.

June 14, 2005: Go to school
He went to school by 7:50 this morning. Before going out, he presented a good picture of himself in his marching band uniform.
He plays saxophone in his school. He gave us Iowa books and T-shirts with the Iowa University logo. Thank you very much.
I prepared a simple lunch box with a sandwich for him. My husband will take him to the school by car every morning.
He was picked up and returned home. He said that a TV crew visited the school and took film. We were fixed on the TV to watch it.
The film was short but good on the screen.
The leader presented a commemorative T-shirt to the principal. Mr. Wyatt said they looked around the school and tried cooking pleasantly that day.
Oita area has entered rainy season recently, but it was fine all day long. We could view wonderful colors of the sunset during dinner.
We checked the schedule after today and learned Japanese a little.
I asked Mr. Wyatt for his autograph on the picture book he gave me in the morning.
We will get up at six in the morning and go out for school at 7:20. Mr. Wyatt made his own bed (Futon) on the Tatami mat room. Good night.

June 15, 2005:To Yufuin
We headed to Yufuin in the evening. Mt. Yufu was covered with clouds on the top.
Iris is the symbol of the rainy season in Japan.
Tachiaoi flower blooms red in the twilight.
Hydrangea is one of my favorite flowers.
In Kinrin Pond, small fish popped up here and there.
Mr. Wyatt and my husband visited Kuwaju Yufuin to experience a spa. I joined the Yufuin Music Festival (YMF) committee meeting at Kotokoto-ya tearoom.
YMF will be open a month later. We still have many things to fix.
How to boost up the eve?
Good chiffon cake and mulberry refreshed me. The color of mulberry is pitch-black but it was very good.
Wyatt and Ken returned back and joined the meeting for a while.