May 7, 2005: Fresh green drive to Aso
TV said we will have a beautiful day today after a rain. As I have long been wanted to visit Maruyama highland in Yamato town, Kumamoto prefecture, We have decided to drive out there today.

We checked the route in advance through the internet.
We passed Yamanami Highway heading to Takamori town.
"Koi-nobori",or carp streamers, swing in the May breeze comfortably.
Neko volcano makes wonderful skyline attracting many picture takers and amateur painters.
The sign reads "Yamato town Mamihara district, the very center of Kyushu island."
Seiwa Bunraku road station.
The banner of Bunraku swing in May breeze at the entrance of the theater.
Seiwa Bunraku Hall
PO 861-3811
152 Ohira Yamato town, Kamimashiki-gun, Kumamoto prefecture

On the left is the exclusive theater of Bunraku and round exhibition hall on the right.
The posters were very good.
We saw a video program in the theater. The Bunraku show still lives on in the performances of the farmer actors of today.
As a theater was built recently, the Bunraku performance is open on the second and fourth Sunday every month.
The representative themes of the performance are Tsubosaka-Reigenki, Keisei Awano-Naruto, Hidakagawa Nyuusou Kaou. A new theme Snow Woman by Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) was set up two years ago.
The wooden structure of the ceiling was very beautiful.
You can touch Bunraku dolls in the exhibition hall.
A Bunraku doll is operated by three players.
Tamamo-no-mae, a beautiful lady. Move your mouse on the picture and watch what happens.A bogy of fox.
We headed today's destination after Bunraku Village.
We had a kids meeting of Kyushu block at the Friendship Hall here in Maruyama highland.
We were welcomed by Ms. Nakamura and Ms. Fujimoto we owed much last year.
We were served with fresh local tea and strawberry.
The goat family has incresed its number. They were very lovely.
Small wild flowers were here and there in the grass field. Watch your step, please.
The view was great, indeed.
We then visited "Circle Park" designed for aroma-therapy of Alzheimer’s patients.
The lavender stocks were planted last year and were growing healthy. I was delighted to see them.
The plateau was in its height now.
to be continued