March 22-23, 2005: Discover Tokyo
People say that we have a good Korean restaurant in Shin-Ohkubo area in Tokyo.
The appearance of the restaurant was Korea itself, I was fascinated by it. "Nodashi" means "Good luck" in Korean, they say.
On the wall were old paintings of landscape of Korea and so many posters and pictures were here and there.
Although I love Korean foods, but I don't like too hot dishes. I first tried Namul (right dish.) It was very good, indeed. Side dishes were thick fried Kimuch, Chirimen-Jako, and kelp.
Soft Tofu Chige was served in boiling pod. The base of the dish was Asari clam.
Young female guests enjoy foods and chatting. They spoke Korean of course and I couldn't understand it at all.
I walked out the restaurant and when I asked where I was, then people around me switched to Japanese quickly and told me the way. Until recently, such an exhibition was opened here.(Click to enlarge)
I visited a Korean supermarket filled with Korean language. I looked around many unusual foods in the shop. I at last bought Korean see weed, citrus paste, and Rahmen noodle. If I live close to this shop, I would have bought much more.
I returned back to the hotel.
The room was so spacious and I could relax myself.
Next morning. It was drizzling as yesterday but I need no umbrella to walk around.
Next to the hotel is Hie Shrine. The premises was very clean. Full bloom camellia flowers cover the ground.
The main building of the shrine stands beautifully with wonderful color contrast of red and green. The shrine was a base of Musashino field development in 1478 by Dohkan Ohta. The small mound here was once called Sannoudai or Hoshigaoka.
Shrine and tall building offer a good landscape.
The shape of the shrine gate is unusual, having a triangle decoration on the top. Beyond the concrete gate are fashion towns like Akasaka and Roppongi.
An out-door escalator serves for people with disabilities.
Paint Japanese umbrella and sandals are very good.
The unique shaped building is of TBS.
A spacious land will be used for a new building construction. This is an old map of Akasaka area in Edo (old Tokyo.) Click the picture to enlarge.
Tall mushroom-like street lamps attract the shopper to Hitotsugi shopping center.

Old and new, domestic and foreign. Tokyo is a good place to walk around.
A tall Kobushi tree holds full bloom in the garden of Females' Publisher in west Ikebukuro. This area is very quiet hard to believe it is in the center of Tokyo.(Click)