July 3, 2004: The very day of Cinderella Symposium
Blue clear sky may cerebrate the opening of Cinderella Symposium at Echelle du Ange on newly opened Tanoura beach, Oita City, Japan. Thanks to the cooperation of Echelle du Ange, the symposium will be held here prior to the formal opening of the facility.

The large panel at the entrance reads "Each of you can be a Cinderella."
I arrived at the site a little bit later. I found that all the preparations are ready to go.
The three faces of the hall are partitioned by huge glass from Beppu Bay.
Ms. Hayashi of NPO Sightseeing COARA sits on the floor to concentrate herself in starting up of LAN weblog.
"Balloon art" is the result of the dispute of the staff who want to make the site dreamy.
The staffs are working quickly under the control tower by Ms. Watanabe.
The meeting was soon held. Watanabe clearly directs what to do today.
After the meeting the staff prepare for the battle come soon after.
The waiting room is gradually filed up with the guests including many friends.iCAP Mie COARA Co., Ltd. Ms. Mizutani and CAN Forum UFJ General Research Laboratory's Takahashi.
From Tenjin COARA's web site"Today's lunch time" writer Umeno and Matsunaga.
The guests have seated now. In the center is Ms. Cho Chang Eun from Korea, an IT journalist living in Seoul.
The 14 guests listen to the explanation from the staff around the table.
The number of the attendant comes up to 170. The cameras are ready as well.
At 15:00, the Symposium started at last. Today's emcees are Mr. Tooru Ono and Ms. Izumi Kuwano of NPO Sightseeing COARA directors.
Mr. Nagata, the head of Ministry of Land and Transportation Oita Branch, makes a few words in the beginning. He has just arrived the office three days ago, he said.
Ono and Kuwano followed Chouta to explain the flow of this time event.
Ms. Kumiko Matsumura explained the relationship between Cinderella Symposium and Betsudai National shoreline including old pictures.
"Theme 1: Sightseeing and information sending out, now under the spot light" was reported by Mr.Tugio Ichimura from Obuse town in Nagano prefecture.
Mr. Kumpei Mizoguchi, a sightseeing charisma who has long been involved in the development of local sightseeing, spoke out from the floor saying "The main target of the future sightseeing should be such like that 'It was good to visit there.'
"It itself is the core of sightseeing", appealed Ms.Cho Chang Eun from Korea. I felt that I have to visit Korea soon to experience the highly developed IT world in there.
Mr. Shinya Hashizume from Osaka lectured "The mechanism of culture may gather people", saying what has changed and what hasn't changed since the spread of IT, each of us could get in hand what he or she wanted just like this time Cinderella Symposium.
Mr. Ono introduced Hashizume's book "It is very interesting to read 'Calling up guest city.'"
Theme 2: What is the element of information sending or sightseeing?
Ms. Mari Okamoto (center) loves Yufuin valley through her work to create commercial zone and community centered by a railroad station like Yufuin.
Mr. Fujino on the right supported her.
Next to me sits Noriko Fukushima presented about "entertainment and road", saying "entertainment and hospitality differs each other." Her voice was very new to me.
Theme 3: IT and sightseeing

From the send out side of the information,iCAP Mie COARA's Miho Mizutani
was followed by Tenjin COARA's Sumiko Umeno and 早弥香 Matsunaga (left) who continue to send out the information on "Today's lunch time report."
iCAP Mie COARA's Hirano listen to the reports as well. I was greatly welcomed by her when I visited iCAP.(The report)
"What is IT for sightseeing information send out?" CAN Forum's manager and a member of UFJ General Research (right) had learned in Oita COARA for one year in the past. I owed her very much. This time our blog-reporting was helped her very much as well.
Theme 4: "Then, why females now?" by Ms. Taeko Kojima of Suntory Culture Foundation and Mr. Nick Szasz from Fukuoka.
Theme 5: What will come out from the combination of sightseeing, IT, and female?" I reported about the relation between IT, homepage, and new connections with people. I also refereed to the my recent activities to help others and the start up of NPO Sightseeing COARA. Mr. Hashizume helped me by saying "We hope to say after ten years that this time Cinderella Symposium was good as a commemorative day of possible Cinderella movement." Roads, IT, both of them will create new communications between the people having much versatility and standards of value.
Theme 6: What should Oita think about the discussion today." Ms. Kazue Miyazaki appreciated the guests.
In the last, Mr. Jouji Naramoto, an officer of Oita Prefecture Office made the last word. Three-hours symposium was over at last.
The hall will be modified quickly for the following party.
In the waiting room are Mr. and Mrs. HIrose, Governor of Oita prefecture.
They patiently talk to the attendants introduced by Ms. Kuwano.to be continued
report and camera