May 15-18, 2004: The guest from New York
Mr. Tsukamoto, one of our closest friends, visited us from New York. It was in New York that we met him before and then he visited my home three years ago.
This time he first visited New Orleans and then Tokyo, Pusan of Korea, and Oita Japan. The special souvenir from Pusan was mountainous packs of Kimuchi.
He soon cleaned up my PC.

May 16, 2004: To Yufuin
We had many welcome plans before he came, but the weather was so bad that we had to give them up.
Today, we visited Yufuin, our favorite resort, in the rain.
The rain has lifted in a good timing. The fresh green was washed by the rain and shins so beautifully in the valley.
We had lunch in Tamanoyu hotel. The garden is very beautiful in the rain.
We were guided to Budouya restaurant of the hotel. The calm and elegant dinning room eases our hearts. Luxurious time flows slowly there. We enjoyed many good dishes.
After the lunch, we visited a winery in the valley and met my friend Mr. Higashi.

May 17, 2004: Old friends
The weather is still cloudy today. We gave up long drive and looked around Oita City.
We first visited "Big Eye" in which a World Soccer Game was held in 2002.
We had lunch in a Chinese restaurant in Park Place shopping mall. The dish on the terrace was great.
We had a "regular party" whenever Mr.Tsukamoto visits Oita.
We had a new friend in the party. The encounter like this is really good, thank you very much Mr. Ohtsubo.