May 3, 2004: Fruitful plants
Today is a mid day of "consecutive holidays." Weather forecast says we will have another rainfall in the night. It is good to clean weeds in the garden on a cloudy day like today. I found by chance some red berries under the bush.

Wowo! It's strawberry!
Two years ago, I got some young plant of the berry in Ogi town and planted them in the kitchen garden. They have grown up in the bush vividly.
It is so good to have fruitful plants. I again looked around my garden and found another plant here.
This is lemon tree planted in commemoration of our son's .marriage.
The tree holds flowers every year and bear large yellow lemons. The number of the fruit is still low, but I expect the fruit every year.
This is Kabosu tree planted in commemoration of my husband retire in the same year as the marriage. It also bear green Kabosu fruit regularly.

Beside the Kabosu tree is .Tutankhamen Pea.
Many peas are growing as usual.
The persimmon tree is shining in green.
The tree is still small, but it already holds some white flowers. I hope I can enjoy Kaki fruits in this fall.
Ume plant is in the center of the garden. The tree is still young.
It is this Ume tree that blooms in the coldness of early spring.Many white flowers will grow into lovely fruit in summer.
In the west part of the garden is a grape tree. We planted it last year in a long-range huge dream.
The height of the tree is still just 50 centimeters or so. When can I "drink" wine?
Beside the grape is small blackberry plant. I got it from one of my close friends. The height of the tree is mere 20 centimeters, though. When can I make "jam" from it?

It is good to see fruitful trees, anyway.
My garden