March 4, 2004: Out-reach concert
I was informed before from Ms. Junko Ohmori, a prominent violinist in Japan, that she will have a special concert here in downtown Oita. I am very familiar with her through Yufuin Music Festival (YMF.)

I headed to the site with a mini-bouquet in hand.
Unexpectedly, it snows today even in March. I was delighted to find Ms. Ohmori dashing toward me in the hall.
She was in the important rehearsal. The main hall of Oita Prefectural Culture Center is quite cold even indoor. Cold wind blows through the hall.
Some members of Oita Prefecture Office, the main sponsor, pay much attention to protect the artist from the cold wind by arranging plant pods and fences around the performance stage.
Mr. Masakuni Kato, the General Secretariat of YMF, gives comments in preparation works. In-house water fall and bell sound of the elevators are still making noise, but they will be stopped when the concert starts. The rehearsal was over after tuning with Ms. Nakashima, the pianist today.
The tuning of piano and microphone is ready to go. The bouquet was decorated in a good position.
A lecture titled "What is problem in halls now and what they should be. The actual activities of out-reach" was being held in the small theater in the basement.
The word "Out-reach activities" comes from "to stretch hands", meaning on-site services of local governments and voluntary groups.

Actual works were introduced by video. Ms. Ohmori, today's main artist, and pianist Nakashima are on the video. Ohmori gives comments as well together with today's main lecturer Mr. Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto.
The concert starts at last. Many participants today come from various part of the prefecture.
Mr. Yoshimoto said that it is very hard to have a concert in such a place where many people move like today.
Many out-reach concerts are being held all through Japan, however. The site becomes much colder.
Ms. Ohmori and Ms. Nakashima changed their costumes to brilliant stage colors. The program explanation was very easy to understand.
The back of the dress was very good as well.
Ms. Ohmori explained some special playing techniques of violin with making actual sounds. The explanation like this will attract many people who haven’t been interested in classical music until today.
The artists played much popular music of the great composers. The bouquet was presented to them in the end.
Ms. Yuki Nakajima, the pianist today, gave a few words "I love such an open space where people can come and enjoy in relax. The sound of music will born and vanish instantly. Just like that, this is a place where people come and leave, where the sun light beams down and leaves in the evening. I would be happy to play music in a natural atmosphere like this." Her words fascinated me.
After the concert, Ms. Ohmori, Ms. Nakajima, and Mr. Kato joined a party together with the related people. I said good bye them by making a promise to see each other here in Oita.

Dear great artists, thank you very much for your good music today.Click the picture to enlarge.
Atrium concert
Site: Oita Prefectural Culture Center atrium
Artists: Violin by Junko Ohmori and piano by Yuki Nakajima