February 19-21, 2004: National GOF research meeting
I have visited Okayama City, central Japan, today to join a meeting to be held in Okayama GOF house.
In the a concourse, a relief sculpture by Tarou Okamoto is set with the title of "Dynamics."
On the large wall of the station building is a panorama picture of Kourakuen Park.
I caught a taxi to head the hotel I stay tonight. The kind driver plays a roll of sightseeing guide.
This is Okayama Symphony Hall, he said.
We crossed Asahi river looking Kourakuen Park aside.
The hotel has come into sight.
The red-brick building is an art museum that displays the works of Yumeji Takehisa, one of my favorite artists. I wish I could drop in there.
February 20
I took breakfast at the 9th floor restaurant of the hotel in buffet-style. Okayama castle is shining in the morning sun.
A beautiful breakfast fascinated me.
Just 15 minutes walk took me to the meeting site.
The red fence is a good accent of the house.
A kid class will be held today here. A lovely doll guides the kids to the room.
Fuki-no-tou buds, early spring wild grass buds, welcomed us at the entrance.
The landing of the upstairs is decorated with a tapestry on the wall. The title reads "Green shower wind in commemoration with the 100th anniversary of GOF."
Beautiful flower and good hanging cloth named "Moon light of Seto Inland sea."
Each attendant affixes a blue seal with writing of "Food cost of the year 2003 per person per day."
The attendants this time flocked from southern Kanto district to Kyushu Island totaling 230 members.
Another flower vase gives us ease.
Paper diagrams are still in use in GOF presentation.
Home-made lunch was served to all attendants. "Festival sushi", one of special sushi of Okayama was very good.
The blue seal affixed at the entrance this morning was displayed. The food cost ranges from 300 yen to 900 yen.
After the heated discussion, the first day was over at last.
Three members joined from Oita branch.
I walked back to the hotel in the evening.
After the dinner, we had a small meeting with Kyushu groups.
February 21
The second day. A Shinkansen train flies just by the fence of the house.
So many presentation were reported today as well.
Some groups use Power Point.
We took lunch at the dinning room.
The western style lunch box was very good.
During the lunch break we looked around the kid works.
The carp streamer is one of the kids’ works. It reminds me of lovely kids making it.
Afternoon session. I was moved by the report of the working women. They presented the result of family budget study class using many beautiful circular charts.
National GOF has been summing up the family budget data since 1955. A 50-years commemorative report will be issued soon under the title of "National family budget transition and economy."
The 50-year charts are very valuable assets.
I have learned much from this time meeting. We promised to develop our activities in all around the country.
Today's extra 1: February 22
Whenever you mention Okayama, the souvenir is Kibi-Dango, of course. I bought a set of it and enjoyed with my aged mother drinking good tea.
Today's extra 2: February 23
On the next day, we had a group meeting nearby. We prepared spring special treat.
Spring comes even in the small dishes.

The table is filled with spring special foods including Kibi Dango of Okayama.