February 7-8, 2004: Tokyo Weekend
The calendar says that the first day of spring was over already. The cold air mass still sits on our Kyushu Island, however. We drove up to Oita airport and parked the car in a motor pool company. I found a car with massive snow accumulation on the hood.
Spring has come in the waiting lobby, however. A set of Hina doll smiles at the passengers. The set is of 40 years old, they say.
We bought a bottle of cloudy sake, one of the special products of Oita.
Strong gale over 320 Kmph helped the plane arrive at Haneda airport much earlier than schedule.

This is the origin of baseball game in Japan in Kanda district of Tokyo.
We will attend our nephew's wedding ceremony this evening here Kanda Academy Hall.
Live playing of good music waits for the on stage of the couple.
"In front of people" is one of new trend of the wedding style those days. They read out their written oath.
Many guests cerebrate them.
A lot of good food like those made us enjoyed us.
Bunny girls serve the guests with drinks.
After the party, we came back to the hotel together with my son and his wife.
We knocked at the door of Old Imperial Bar on the mezzanine and talked much.
We have been wanted to see the old monument stone block used in the original building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959.) On the low-left corner is the original Ohya stone.
Next morning, we took Japanese breakfast at Nadaman restaurant on the basement floor. The Sukiya design is unlikely as the under floor of a hotel.
We took rice porridge. The taste was really wonderful as the restaurant's name shows.
As the sun was so warm, we walked out for a while.
Beautiful flowers surround the hotel.
Across the broad street is Hibiya Park. the first Western style park in Japan built 100 years ago.
Old commemorative pictures were displayed here and there of the park.
Ume flower blooms already. We have seldom clear sky like today in Tokyo.
The Imperial the outer moat floats many lovely ducks. The willow trees hold buds already.
We looked around under an overpass to find unusual scene.
We merged my mother and brother by taking contact with cellular phone.
Tokyo International Marathon Race is held today. We got small flag and waited for the runners.

About 12:45, the first group appeared and passed quickly. They run very swift.
Then we visited a German restaurant under the overpass for lunch. JS Renep is the name of the restaurant
We toasted each other for health with genuine German beer.
German pretzel
German dishes continue to appear on the table.
We had to say good-bye to our mother and brother to catch a flight back to Oita.
Thanks to the wedding ceremony of the nephew, we all could see each other after a long time.