January 22-24, 2004: Visited Tokyo
TV weather forecast appeals the approaching of the coldest air mass in this winter.

I was worrying about the snow accumulation in the morning here in Oita City like the other day. But I was luckily arrived at the bus terminal early in the morning. My husband sent me there as usual. The construction crane is already working in the sky.
As the road to Oita air port was closed by snow, I headed to hover craft terminal.
The terminal was crowded with many passengers.
"A ship on the land"
I got on the hover craft after a long time.
The craft crossed Beppu Bay in 40 minutes and arrived at Oita air port covered with snow.
The parking lot and nearby hills are covered with fresh snow with some 20 centimeter thickness.
Snow flakes stick on the plane body. Snow removal is a hard work. I was surprised to find that the pilot opened the cockpit window and removed the snow on the front glass.
Unexpected snow delayed the departure of the flight. I was arrived at Tokyo at last.
This time, I will join a National meeting of Group of Friends (GOF) held in Tokyo. La Gioconda always welcomes me at my regular hotel. After checking in, I soon attended the afternoon meeting. Many committees flock to the hotel this time.
In Tokyo, the sun rises considerably earlier than Kyushu. We will have a beautiful day today.
From the top floor restaurant of the hotel, I could see Mt. Fuji in the west. Only on a clear day in winter, the mountain is visible from downtown Tokyo.
The meeting lasted all day long in Group of Friends house. Beautiful flower pods ease my heart.
The sky turned to cloudy in the next morning. TV says it will snow even in Kyushu Island today.
Myounichi-Kan (Tomorrow's House) was originally designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959.) The building is now designated as an important cultural property. A wedding ceremony is being held today.
This is the garden of Females Friends Publisher next to the house. The trees in the garden are ready to bloom.
Like this.
Many big birds fly-in on the twigs to rest the wing.
    The meeting was over after two-and-a-half day. We said good bye each other and I returned to Tokyo air port. I relaxed at a lounge of until the departure.

I arrived at Oita as scheduled.