November 22, 2003: Ready for winter
I came up to Beppu City. This is the entrance of Beppu Park.
the stone monument tells the history of the park.
The park was made in 1907. After the World War 2, it was requisitioned by US army then transferred to Self Defense Force. In 1976, it was returned to Beppu City and became a park like this today.
The monument is of Kumahachi Aburaya, the Father of Beppu sightseeing industry.
I wear a winter coat already.
In the underground of the park is a large water tank that may be used in a disaster for drinking water and fire extinguish use The park is not only a rest place for the citizen, but also work as a place of refuge.
We have a cold day today that may tell the first arrival of winter. The big pine trees in the park are coated with strawberry mufflers. It is used to capture harmful insects that swarm in the muffler in cold winter.
The young are vivid, however. I feel something shivering just by looking them.
The outer rim of the park looks very good by the green fence and stone objects.
On the opposite site is Beacon Plaza designed by Arata Isozaki. The tower soars high in the winter sky.
Died leaves of gingko trees color the ground.
Mt Takasaki viewed from the conference room in the Plaza.
The triangle-shaped steel will be a part of mono rail under construction to connect the aquarium and monkey park at Mt. Takasaki.
The new aquarium has a shape of water wave or a deck of a ship.
Palm trees are swinging in the winter gale.
The main road called Betsudai is under the final stage of the construction. We may be able to see the completion of the road next spring.