August 1, 2003: Commemorative lecture
Group of Friends Kurume Branch opened a lecture in commemoration with the 100th anniversary of National Group of Friends. The lecturer will be a famous writer Inada Nada. Four members from Oita Branch headed west by a car.
Morning mist clears up along the gentle slope of Mt. Yufu.
One and a half hours drive took us to Ishibashi Cultural Center in Kurume City.
The entrance
As Oita Branch also plans to open similar commemorative meeting of the readers of the Founder. This is why we look through the site.
Down view from the upstairs. Many guests already fill the hall.
In the lobby, many books published from Females' Friends Publisher and the writings by today's lecturer.
Lovely baby clothing are displayed. The cute design, taken from the Publisher's book, attracted the attention of the guests.
"The commemorative panels are on your left."
The panels were carefully selected from what were displayed at Myounichi-Kan Hall in Tokyo for an event held in this April. Lovely kid clothing designs in old days make us feel nostalgia.

The lecture opened.
The general leader of Kurume Branch makes a few words in the beginning referring to that all the members read Females' Friends regularly.
The lecture by Inada Nada was very witty dotted with scathing criticisms against current social status. Time passed so quickly.
In the end, a young editor from the publisher ended the lecture up with a thanks word.
The large hall accommodates more than 1,000 guests.
The guests came out of the hall and enjoy shopping the books and chatting. Conversation circles are everywhere.
Inada Nada autographs on his books patiently.
Four members from Oita visited a Chinese restaurant called Chinese Ume Flower, the headquarters of the restaurant chain. Tofu was being produced just in front of us. We enjoyed a little bit late lunch.
Pleasant and informative lecture made us feel something. After taking good lunch, we headed east toward home.