June 13, 2003: Oita Dream Festa
On a fine break of the rainy season, I first washed clothing and hung them out to dry. Then I drove out to visit Oita Dream Festa being opened in Sano botanical garden, ease of the city.
Flower pods are arranged on the way to the site.
We parked in a large lot and took a shuttle bus to the garden.
School kids and kindergarten pupil fill the garden space.
A character of the festival is set in the flower bed.
Beautiful flower beds are here and there.
I found large pumpkins in the experimental organic field.
Sano botanical garden was constructed as a practical use of garbage landfill annexed to the new incinerating plant.
In the exhibition of Eco Plaza, a global environment thinking corner, a solar car was displayed. The car was of Nihon Bunri University's sample. The car runs with 32 solar panels helped by an ordinary battery.

Many kinds of recycled products will keep the earth clean.
Degradable plastic bags adopted by many local self-governing bodies.
Cans, PET bottles are recyclable as well.
Kids posters appeal the importance of keeping the environment.
A wonderful wheel chair made of bamboo.
Summer has already here with strong sunlight.
The next spot was a green house.
Thanks to the maintenance group, the garden is always clean.
Many unusual tropical flowers are in the house.
Cool-looking glass fall.
Gentle pink color of hibiscus smiles at me.
Rafflesia is the largest flower in the world. The plastic sealed sample comes from Borneo. It releases strong smell to lure insects, they say.
Beautiful samples of butterfly came from South America.

Huge area of precious tropical rain forest is being lost every day in South America and other tropical zone. I feel we are responsible in keeping them in our daily life.
I have had a good day today by looking beautiful flowers and thinking about the environment of our blue planet.
Big Eye, a huge dome in Oita Sport Park was shining on my way home.