July 23, 2003: The 29th YMF record (Part 4)
YMF artists joined at Yufuin valley.
YMF will be held as usual this year. We started to stay in Yufuin from yesterday evening.
We brought in various items such as coffee maker and others and started a temporary life in a small cottage facing the pond.
Last night, we had the final preparation meeting and today we will have to clean the hall.
Mt. Yufu is still in the rain cloud this morning.
I forgot to buy milk yesterday. This is why I enjoy tasty milk at Tea Room Nicols of Tamanoyu Hotel in a calm morning.
Our YMF starts with the cleaning up of Central Public Hall of Yufuin town.
male staff set up the reflector boards and we female group cleaned up the floor after that.

A piano was brought in.
The tuning of the piano will be done by an expert and we took late lunch.

We enjoyed lamian noodle at a newly opened restaurant.
The restaurant is different from ordinary lamian house. Jazz or classical music fill the restaurant. YMF posters are on the entrance without fail.
By the evening all the artists and staff have joined at Yufuin. Some volunteer staffs came from distance.
After the welcome dinner, short meeting has started.
    The 29th YMF record

by Nagano